Ms. Macklin teaches 5C and 5D math classes this year. Students are encouraged to practice their math facts from 0 - 10 (adding, subtracting, and multiplying) until they are comfortable using mental math (doing in their head or from memory). Make everyday life an opportunity to practice! Whether adding items together with your child in the grocery store, or quizzing them on their timetables on the way to school, every bit helps!

Please make a habit of having your child check their school email and Google classroom once per week, (or more), as well as anytime they are absent from school to see which topics have been covered or if anything has been assigned while they were away.

Also, see resources below for extra practice all year long!

Students are encouraged to practice adding 0 to 9 + 0 to 9 frequently to increase their speed and accuracy. Some students may still be counting on their fingers, or making marks on paper as a strategy. It is fine for them to do this, however the more they practice, the more quickly their mental math will develop.

Parents are encouraged to quiz their kids verbally, or have a sibling quiz them. Hearing and speaking their addition facts will benefit all students.

A simple website to use that doesn't have a lot of distractions is

Students can set the range of numbers they are either adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing (so it's also great to challenge students who are already adept at addition). Set the time to 300 seconds (5 minutes), and then have your child take a 2 minute movement break before the next set. 2 sets per night (10 minutes) is a great place to start!