Ms. Macklin teaches all grade 5 math classes this year. Students are encouraged to practice their math facts from 0 - 10 (adding, subtracting, and multiplying) until they are comfortable using mental math (doing in their head or from memory). Make everyday life an opportunity to practice! Whether adding items together with your child in the grocery store, or quizzing them on their timetables on the way to school, every bit helps!

February 24th, 2020: Welcome back after reading week!

We are nearly completed our Place Value unit, and study guides were sent home before the break. The last skill we are focusing on is rounding decimal and whole numbers. To master this skill, students must first know their place values from the millions to the thousandths place. We are continuing to do a lot of practice in class with visuals, movement, notation and verbalizing these numbers and processes. Below is an additional Math Antics video (we followed along and completed a prediction sheet on the 24th - please have your child view if they were absent) on how to round whole and decimal numbers.

Rounding (whole and decimal numbers):

IMPORTANT: Remember there are 2 study sessions this week for next week's unit test (March 3rd). This Wednesday and Friday; February 26th and 28th from 3:45 - 4:30 and 12:30 - 1:30 respectively. All are welcome, but this is meant for students who are needing this extra help. Please email me if you are wondering if your child should attend. IF YOUR CHILD IS A BUS STUDENT PLEASE ARRANGE A RIDE FOR THEM. The Place Value Unit Test will be on Tuesday, March 3rd.

January 7th, 2020: Welcome back and Happy New Year!

We reviewed our routines and classroom expectations our first day back to be best prepared for our new unit; Place Value. Prep check will be done each math class to ensure students are remembering to bring their agenda, a reading book and most importantly - a pencil!

Today all classes will have started their Place Value unit where they will be learning how to describe numbers in standard form, expanded form and how to write numbers in word form, from the millions to the thousandths place. This will lead us back to working with decimals in the Spring. Please review the 2 Math Antics videos below with your child to better understand what they are currently learning in math!

Place Value (whole numbers)

Place Value (decimal numbers)

Also, see resources below for extra practice all year long!

Students are encouraged to practice adding 0 to 9 + 0 to 9 frequently to increase their speed and accuracy. Some students may still be counting on their fingers, or making marks on paper as a strategy. It is fine for them to do this, however the more they practice, the more quickly their mental math will develop.

Parents are encouraged to quiz their kids verbally, or have a sibling quiz them. Hearing and speaking their addition facts will benefit all students.

A simple website to use that doesn't have a lot of distractions is

Students can set the range of numbers they are either adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing (so it's also great to challenge students who are already adept at addition). Set the time to 300 seconds (5 minutes), and then have your child take a 2 minute movement break before the next set. 2 sets per night (10 minutes) is a great place to start!