Career Education and Work Portfolio
The purpose of the portfolio process is for students to demonstrate the skills and interests they have developed throughout high school. The process also encourages students to have ownership and control over their learning as well as reflect on their academics and plan for a future career.
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, “Pennsylvania’s economic future depends on having a well-educated and skilled workforce. Career Education and Work standards reflect the increasing complexity and sophistication that students experience as they progress through school, focusing on the skills and continuous learning and innovation required for students to succeed in a rapidly changing workplace. The standards are written as grade-banded standards built around the concepts of career awareness and exploration, employability skills, growth and advancement, and personal interests and career planning.”
The career assignments completed with your portfolio mentor will address the following academic standard components:
13.1 Career Awareness and Exploration
A. Analyze the relationship between career choices and career preparation opportunities to choose a path. (9, 10)
B. Analyze entrepreneurship and other self-employment opportunities as they relate to personal career goals and corporate opportunities. (9, 10)
C. Analyze external factors that impact employment opportunities, such as, but not limited to: • Competition • Global influences • Job growth • Job openings • Labor supply • Potential advancement • Potential earnings . (9, 10, 11, 12)
D. Describe employment outlook, organized by in demand occupations, clusters, pathways, or other methods
E. Utilize school- and community-based opportunities for career awareness/preparation. (9)
F. Examine basic labor laws to determine the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees. (9)
G. Assess the implementation of the individualized career plan through the ongoing development of the career portfolio.
H. Review personal high school plan against current personal career goals and select postsecondary opportunities based upon personal career interests. (11, 12)
13.2 Employability Skills
A. Identify solutions to existing conditions or problems using critical thinking skills. (12)
B. Use professional etiquette and observe social protocols when communicating verbally, nonverbally, and in writing.
C. Demonstrate shared responsibility for collaborative work and the value of contributions made by team members with various perspectives.
D. Use job-specific technologies to accomplish work responsibilities in a productive manner.
E. Evaluate time and project management strategies and their application to both personal and work situations
F. Apply Entrepreneurial Mindset characteristics and skills to school, work, and extracurricular environments.
13.3 Growth and Advancement
A. Develop strategies for navigating career and life transitions, such as coping with loss of employment, resigning from a job, negotiating a raise or promotion, and employing transferable skills.
B. Identify sources of lifelong learning to strengthen existing skills, develop new skills, and maximize career growth.
C. Incorporate feedback and personal reflection to evaluate success towards completing goals and determine a next course of action.
D. Analyze and reflect upon the efficacy of your work ethic.
13.4 Personal Interests and Career Planning
A. Strategically market yourself as a job candidate.
B. Evaluate career options based on personal interests, abilities, aptitudes, achievements, and goals.
C. Use a variety of methods to research careers that align with personal interests, values, strengths, and career goals
D. Evolve career plan to enact additional action steps that may include, but not be limited to: • Electives • Extracurricular activities • Coursework • Career interests • Strengths and abilities • Educational and training opportunities • Work-based learning • Industry-recognized credentials
For the complete description of the Career Education and Work standards above, visit (