Managing Emotions

Start with You

How are you feeling today?

You can use the wheel of emotions to the right to identify what's coming up for you right now.

The more in-tuned you are with how you're feeling, the better able you'll be to manage stress and anxiety.

Anxiety + Depression

What is anxiety?

Everyone experiences anxiety! Speaking in front of a big crowd can make us anxious, but it also motivates us to prepare and practice.

When feelings of fear and distress prevent us from doing everyday activities, then anxiety may be a problem.

Tips to Curb your Anxiety

Coping with Anxiety - Footprint Project Olga.pdf

Click here for a guide to working through anxiety for more tips and info!

Journaling can be a great tool for regulating emotions. If writing is your thing, try creating a personal plan by clicking here for dealing with stress.

Wondering if/ how stress is having an impact on your physical and mental well-being? Take the Stress Screener Test here to find out and learn more about what you can do.

What is Depression?

Depression is more than having a bad couple of days, and it looks different in different people. It can range from mild to severe, but typically depression causes noticeable problems with day to day functioning.

Signs of depression can include a change in mood, decreased interest in normal activities, problems thinking clearly, and thoughts of death or suicide.

To learn more, check out the Teen Toolbox by clicking here.


Your mental health is like your physical health, you have to put in effort to keep it in good shape! For more help, talk to a counselor or a trusted adult.