What is the total amount of funding set aside for this grant program? 

The full budget for grants to be awarded throughout the program is $400,000.

What is the maximum award dollar amount for an individual grant and/or what is the anticipated dollar range of awards?

We don't have a limit or restriction on the amount that can be requested for your project in total, but have established caps on the amount that team members can request for their individual compensation for work on the project [found in the Project Narrative template], and all other costs (payment for professional services, software or other technology costs) will be reimbursed at cost. 


How do I access the application materials? 

 They are located on the pagoal.org website. Navigate to the page of the grant category you wish to apply for. Click on the links and the download option/icon will be on the top right corner.  

Do I have to be a member of PALCI to apply? 

No, we encourage non-PALCI members to apply for grants. 

Can an adjunct faculty member be a lead on an application? 

If an adjunct has a contract in hand for the term of the grant then, yes, they can apply as a lead. In the case of adjuncts teaching at multiple institutions, it is one institution per application.

How do I know if the proposed courses align with the transfer credit framework from the PA Transfer and Articulation Center?  

The 30-Credit Transfer Framework is a menu of foundation courses that transfer seamlessly among participating PA TRAC colleges and count toward nearly any degree program. The Framework represents the type of coursework generally completed during the first and second year of any four-year degree program. Framework courses are good choices for students who are undecided about a major or transfer institution. Use the search at the bottom of this page to find specific Framework courses offered at PA TRAC colleges.


Can students be team members? 

While PA GOAL doesn't have a category of payments for assistant-level work, we encourage an open pedagogy model for student involvement.  


How much money can a proposal request?

Our proposal template includes a budget template to help you determine the amount you should request. While there is not a set limit for proposal budgets, we strongly encourage applicants to propose projects with a narrow enough scope to be completed within the timeline required.

Funding may be requested to pay for the work of team members in completing project deliverables, and also may be requested to reimburse the costs of professional services or other materials as outlined in each proposal template. 

What are the reimbursement amounts for each category?

The reimbursement amounts will vary based on the work proposed. The proposal templates in each category provide more details. Caps are set for the amount of funding that could be requested by any team member in a particular type of work. Any other costs would be a direct reimbursement of expenses (for software, professional services, etc.), and the applicant will need to provide a quote for what they'd like to request. 

How will funds be distributed?

If awarded, payments could be made in two ways: to each individual directly, or through the home institution for distribution. 

Can other funding sources be applied to my proposed project?

Yes, other sources of funding and/or in-kind contributions can be used toward project outcomes. We ask that applicants explain other funding sources in the Budget Narrative and Funding Proposal. 

Consider dividing your project up into achievable parts and applying different grants to different parts of your project.   


What kind of licensed materials are acceptable? 

Acceptable materials include ebooks, streaming video, and other types of library licensed materials. The restrictions for the Licensed Materials category are primarily that the materials be available campus-wide (rather than only licensed for a particular student or group of students), and that the terms be suitable for course use (unlimited simultaneous users, confirmed access for the duration of the course).

Are estimated costs for materials acquisition sufficient? Do I need to know exact titles and where I'd be getting them from? 

We do require a list of specific materials to be licensed/purchased and their cost for the proposal. 

We also require the proposal to list specific courses the licensed/purchased materials will be adopted in, to ensure adoption into a course. 

My institution doesn't allow librarians to be leads on grants. Can someone else be listed as lead of the Library Licensed Materials grant? 

Yes, we understand institutions vary. In this instance, someone else can be listed as the lead and the librarian as the team member. Please note your reasoning in the Project Narrative. 


If projects must be completed by June 2022, does that mean that I can only work on courses that will be taught in the upcoming academic year? 

Priority will be given to courses scheduled to be taught in the 2021-22 academic year, but projects that are designed to support classes that have previously been taught and/or are expected to be taught in future years are also eligible for funding. All project activities (such as redesigning a syllabus or creating or adapting an open textbook) must be completed by June 2022.