Drexel PAEA Conference Ad.pdf
blick PA AEA Conference 2021 8x11 (1).pdf
2021_2022_PAEA_Book Club Handout_Draft 9-20-21.pdf
PAEA Social Media Poster.pdf


The Bucci Family for being a Keynote Sponsor!!!

Friends of PAEA Messages

Meg and Stephan Barney - PAEA Fellows congratulate the 2021 PAEA Conference committee for outstanding achievement !

Robin Brewer - Happy to support this amazing community of art educators, meeting and crushing challenges everyday!

Lisbeth Bucci - Thanks and Congrats to all that contributed to make this ART Education event a SUCCESS!

Marita Fitzpatrick - Contemporary art and our students have a lot in common because both are products of today.

Ryan Hnat - Northeast Art Project - Changing the face of Northeastern PA one project at a time.

Lauren Stichter - So honored to have PAEA at Moore this year!

Jackie Thomas - Thanks, PAEA for being THE prime source for art education resources!

Preservice Student Sponsors

Robin Brewer

Lisbeth Bucci

Beth Cornell

Alison Marzuoli

Amy Pfeiler - Wunder

Jackie Thomas

Emeritus Sponsors

Beth Cornell

Melissa Gallagher

Lynne Horoschak

Emilee Taylor

Friends of PAEA

Meg and Stephan Barney

Jackieraye Barr

Robin Brewer

Lisbeth Bucci

Marita Fitzpatrick

Leslie Gates

Leslie Grace

Ryan Hnat

Deborah Klose

Joy Knepp

Amy Pfeiler-Wunder

Jackie Thomas

Kristine Troxell

ED&I Grant Sponsors

Jessica Alesso

Kendyl Boyd

Robin Brewer

Lynette Brown

Lisbeth Bucci

Lora Durr

Rebecca Hughes

Renee Jackson

Amy Pfeiler-Wunder

Jackie Thomas

Kristine Troxell