Middle School

In this section of the Literary Magazine, you will find all of the creative writings that our Middle Schoolers at PA Distance created.

Victoria Whidden (7th grade)

This is a true story about English Cream Golden Retrievers. They are very loyal dogs. Well, any dog can be loyal but these dogs are the best! They are your best friend for life, loyal to you, and they will always be your snuggle buddy! I had an English cream, but we had to put her down on the fifth of November. She was an amazing friend of mine and an awesome snuggle buddy. I had her for seven years, but those years were the best years of my entire life. We had a special bond between us. I often used her as a pillow, and she would never budge. They have a special method of making a person feel safe when they’re scared. Whenever they’re scared, you can use your own method to make them feel safe! You’ll love them forever. They’re your wall for protection and your bright, shining star that’ll lighten your darkened path.

Amaya Minor (7th grade)

Beautiful Girl

Beautiful girl on top of the world, don't fall down or lose your crown. Beautiful girl on top of the throne, was never scared to go alone. Beautiful girl always glad, because no one ever tried to make her sad.