Welcome educators, students, parents, and those interested in the utilization of Technology and Artificial Intelligence in the classroom!

For our Senior Capstone Class, we learned about Technolgy and Artificial Intelligence, and its relationship to human cognition. We looked at human-computer relationships in a variety of settings, and our group chose to focus on the human-computer relationship in a classroom setting. Through our research we have learned that perception and implementation plays a substantial role in the vitality of the relationship. The goals of our website is to help individuals better understand Technology and A.I in general and in the classroom and create a guide to optimize Technology and A.I in the classroom.

Website Guide

A brief overview of Artifical Intelligence (A.I)

The Goal of A.I:

The current goal of Artificial Intelligence is to to replicate the human experience by identifying specific areas that humans deem essential for function, with the hope that it will enhance the lives of humans

Three current programs in A.I:

The three current programs in A.I are Computationalism, Connectionism, and Robotics. 

Four different goals for A.I projects:

The four different goals for A.I projects are acting humanly, thinking humanly, acting rationally, and thinking rationally. Each approach is exactly how it sounds, to create an A.I program that encompasses the one of the four goals listed. There are the humanistic approaches (acting humanly and thinking humanly) and the rationalistic approaches (acting rationally and thinking rationally. Humanistic approaches attempt to create A.I that can model humans, while rationalistic approaches attempt to model logic. The obstacle with Humanistic approaches are that humans are unpredictable and complex, and it is difficult to create something that could replicate them. Rationalistic goals are easier to achieve because it is much easier to model logic.

Addressing fears about A.I and Technology in the classroom

"Technology is a distraction and can negatively impact learning"

2018 assessment found that 60 minutes on a device in the classroom increased readings scores by 17 PISA points (half-year of learning improvement) (Bryant et al., 2020). The same assessment found that the use of data projectors and internet-connected computers in the classroom is correlated with nearly a grade-level-better performance (Bryant et al., 2020).

"Technology is too difficult to navigate for educators"

There are concerns that new technologies are too difficult for educators to navigate, but we believe that people are underestimating educators and research supports this belief. A 2020 poll by education weekly found that 87% of teachers ability to use ed tech has effectively improved (Bushweller). It is important when implementing new technology and programs for educators to fully understand the programs so that they are properly implementing them in the classroom. 

"Technology and A.I programs like ChatGPT perpetuate cheating"

It has been shown that if educators and schools create a strong academic integrity policy and prioritize academic honesty, that it substantially lowers the probability of cheating. ChatGPT also recently came out with a cheating detection software that educators can use for their students. ChatGPT is an excellent resource for gathering information for students, but the strength of essays materials that ChatGPT can generate is often weaker than the students' own writing.

What does A.I and Technology look like in the classroom?

Informative and Communication Technologies

Informative and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become an intergral part of the classroom. ICTs include but are not limited to emails, digital textbooks, online databases, and online grading systems.

Customized Learning Plans

Artificial Intelligence can create customized learning plans for students. Using algorithims, A.I analyzes data on performance from students to create tailored lessons and assignments for the students. If a student is struggling with a specific concept, then the program can create more in-depth lessons to help the student. 

Interactive Learning

A.I and technology allow for a more interactive learning experience. Virtual and augmented reality technologies can help students explore complex concepts and environments in a way that is not possible with traditional teaching methods. This type of learning can enhance student engagement and create a more engaging learning process.

Expanded Accessibility

Technology and certain A.I programs expand the capabilities of research for students. The internet provides a vast amount of resources for students that they would not normally have access to, and allows for students to expand their research base, and can enhance their research and critically thinking skills


ChatGPT, an A.I chatbot, is programmed to generate the best logical response to questions and/or stimuli by identifying patterns and using data from its programs. When used correctly, ChatGPT can help gather resources and create templates for students for research and other assignments

Optimizing Time

A.I and technology can aid in reducing the amount of time and resources that an educator has to put into their classroom. Online grading systems gives educators more time to create lesson plans, educators can also look at the data from the customized learning plans and identify if students need additional help and resources, and it allows for more time to prioritize the needs of their students.

A guide for educators and students to optimize A.I and Technology in the classroom

A Guide for Educators

A Guide for Students

PDF to Full Thesis Paper

Final Thesis Capstone Paper.pdf

About the Authors

Kylie Witherbee

Hello, my name is Kylie! I double majored in Psychology and Education, with a minor in Communication Science and Disorders, graduating in the Spring of 2023. My largest takeaway from our Senior Capstone Project is gaining a strong understanding of Artificial Intelligence. I had a brief understanding of the subject, but was not educated in the true capabilities of A.I and the way it can be utililzed. There were many things I've used or currently still use that I had no idea was Artificial Intelligence. For my future endeavors, after graduation I plan on working for at least a year to gain job experience, then entering an Audiology program!

Zane Staszkow

Hello, my name is Zane. I am majoring in psychology and I am graduating in the Spring of 2023. My largest takeaway from our Senior Capstone Project was that AI is far reaching in our daily lives and has major benefits especially for us students. Also, I had really no knowledge about how psychology actually played a role in the development of AI and the amount of robots that are already being utilized in research settings. I want to be a school counselor so actually researching how these types of programs can be utilized is very important when talking to students.