The Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Academic Dishonesty in College Students

by Jonah & Tatum

Welcome Educators! We want you to know that AI developments do not need to be frightening, and AI use can be beneficial or detrimental to student's educational experience.

It is not the end of education as we know it, but new technologies will continue to push educators to adapt and create a better educational experience for students. 

On Our Site...

We've Always Been Looking For Ways To Cheat...

Take a look at this poem by Shel Silverstein, published 31 years ago. Cheating is unfortunately not a new phenomenon, we used to scribble little notes on our hands or peak over our friend's shoulders during tests... but now students have access to programs that can type up full-length essays in seconds. We would be naive to think that this won't change education.  

The Purpose of Our Research is to Discourage Academic Dishonesty By Examining...

Does the prevalence of AI and other technology increase a student’s desire to cheat?

What new developments in AI allow for it to function as a cheating tool? 

In what ways can AI be controlled & utilized to help prevent academic dishonesty?

We examined many technological applications that can be used to foster cheating behavior in students, and  we found evidence that all of our AI are still narrow processing systems that have many limitations. Technology is increasingly intertwined with education and it’s important for educators to be aware of these changes, and welcome them as an opportunity to adapt their classroom environment accordingly. 

Is Technology Changing Our Brains?

Interviewee's Fears

Reality of AI Progress

Andy Clark's Extended Mind Theory

Which Programs Are Students Using?

ChatGPT: A language-learning model that can generate text responses that mimic human language. This program can summarize articles, write entire papers, correct coding errors, and complete math equations with a high level of quality.

Grammarly: A writing-assistance program that identifies grammar/spelling mistakes in pre-existing writing and offers suggestions. 

Chegg: An online calculator software that is used to solve any type of math equation as well as create graphs and geometric models. A step-by-step explanation is provided with each completed problem, and Chegg also utilizes photo-recognition software to identify and solve equations.

Search Engines: Applications such as Google, Internet Explorer, and Yandex are used to search up information for every discipline. The AI will also recommend previous study guides and assessment keys for certain classes, and anybody is capable of posting class resources to a variety of different websites.

Citation Generators: Various citation generators are used to create citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, and other formats. 

Limitations Of These Programs

While AI programs are very advanced, there are several limitations to consider:

What Can We Do About AI + Education?

Changing How We Educate

Preventing Academic Dishonesty

Our Conclusion: Read More Here 

About The Authors

The two of us share an interest in Psychology and Education, and we agreed to research this relevant topic for our Capstone Project. The project has had two parts, first writing a research paper that answered our thesis question (The Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Academic Dishonesty in College Students; link below), and then creating this website to give this information away to anyone interested in our topic. 


Hi, my name is Jonah. I'm a Psychology and Education double major with a minor in Philosophy. I'm from Tigard, Oregon, and I'll be graduating in the Spring of 2023.


Hi! My name is Tatum. I'm a Psychology major & Sociology minor graduating in the Spring of 2023. I'm from Oahu, Hawaii.