Website Concept and Self Help

Hi Everyone! Our self-help program is to provide some support and aid to current and post-graduate students who are dealing with Imposter Syndrome in the classroom or in their careers. Our website concept "Follow the Stars" is meant for you, the viewer, to have an easier time keeping track of details that are a bit more important. In our activities, we have provided orange stars that indicate importance; something we think should be repeated, reread, and remembered. This could be anything from a question, a diagram, or even a quote. We hope you find it easy to navigate, enjoy the activities, and most of all find some support. 

Getting Started

Essay #1- March 13th, 2023 - Google Docs.pdf

Summary: Memory is shaped by Social-cultural systems and Neurological systems. As well as intirate which memory system is related to our program.  We discuss the interconnectedness of memory processes and how they can inspire cognitive wellness.  Lastly, we introduce the inner workings of the Wise Intervention (WI) model and how it works with your program. 

Essay #2: 

Memory as a Malleable Social Construct and Identity

Essay #2-- April 24th - Google Docs.pdf

Summary: Memory is tied to our identity and how it shifts as our goals and needs shift as well. How we remember is through early correspondence and coherence. We discuss how being aware of these processes allows us to control our personal narratives and attain peace of mind. Lastly, we use our WI model to encourage readers to initiate recursive change by targeting situations, behaviors, and thinking patterns that could be sub-optimal. 

Essay #3:  

Memory is a Creative Force We Should Use for Good.

Essay #3--Memory is a Creative Force. Let's Harness that Creativity for Good! - Google Docs.pdf

Summary: Memory processes are situated in social and cultural milieus, which could be seen as empowering knowledge.  The connections of this integrative system account for remembering and our WI framework to promote cognitive wellness.  Lastly, we discuss about adaptive malleability and how it relates to cognitive wellness. 

Activity #1: Brochure 


This brochure consists of the wise intervention model, different forms of imposter syndrome, as well as a reflection section. The wise intervention section is used as a sort of roadmap of what to expect for this and other activities. The second section is used to inform you, the reader, of the gist of different types of imposter syndrome. As for the last section, it provides a point to reflect on the content of the two previous sections. 

Activity #2: Self-Compassion Worksheet 


Self-compassion is when one starts to shift from needing to receive external validation to an internal one. By filling out these worksheets, you will learn to be more honest and accepting of your experiences. This will allow you to - in a way - let go of perfectionism and help you realize you are okay as you are. 

Activity #3: Positive Affirmations Worksheet 


We have the tendency to have one negative experience shadow all our successes and life achievements. This activity allows the readers to reconstruct these negative thoughts into something of positive value. Through the positive affirmations worksheet, we allow readers to increase their self-worth and adapt to healthy behaviors. Since our memories are malleable, we can change our views of self and guide our goal systems. 


Watch this video we made about what positive affirmations are and some examples you may want to consider!

If you feel confident with your positive affirmations and want a cute, space-themed worksheet, to put any additional affirmations on, here is  the template you can use!

 Extra Resources and References 

A short 4-minute animation that provides a bite-sized introduction about what imposter syndrome in and how to combat it

An 8-minute video about the different types of imposter syndromes by Dr. Valarie Young 

Meet the Stars!  

Gia Seatriz

Kaliah L. N. A Villarin

Daniza Nono

Hi, my name is Gia Seatriz and I am from Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. I am a fourth-year biology major, class of 2023! I love reading and learning new things, especially about animals. After I graduate, I will be attending veterinary school in Colorado. I plan on specializing in wildlife medicine or neurosurgery. As someone who will be attending vet school, I have experienced some degree of imposter syndrome. Don't get me wrong, I am proud that I am on my way to achieving my dreams, but there are times when I feel like I am out of my league. This is why this project means so much to me, in that I now have the tools necessary to help me cope with these emotions as I continue my journey to vet school. I hope others will find the same piece of mind and help that I found doing this project.

Hey guys! My name is Kaliah and I am from Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi. I will be graduating from Pacific University with a B.A in Psychology! I am planning on applying to graduate school for a Master's/Doctorate in Occupational Therapy. I love listening and playing music, reading books, and cuddling with my two dogs. My dream is to be a Pediatric Occupational Therapist to help children develop social skills and build self-autonomy. As the first in my family to graduate from university, I felt like I had the obligation to excel at my family's expectations. And with that, I have experienced symptoms of imposter syndrome. But I never wanted to give up when I have already conquered so many obstacles. I hope those who are planning on applying to graduate schools and entering their career use our website to help them realize that they are not alone. There is a way to change these maladaptive behaviors into positive ones. It just takes a lot of practice :D

Hi everyone! My name is Daniza and I am from Maui, Hawaiʻi.  I am a Psychology and Philosophy double Major as well as a CSD Minor. I am currently a Junior and will graduate in 2024! I love my two guinea pigs and reading on the beach. I want to be a psychologist or therapist of some sort and I hope to do it out of the country! This project is important to me because  I have felt the symptoms of imposter syndrome as an undergrad. With this in mind, I know that I will want to further my education, and want to nip imposter syndrome in the bud. I hope that when people look through our website they are able to realize that they can control their narrative-- changing a negative outlook of a situation to a more positive one. I hope that our activities lead them to this realization