Logic Model

Activity 1

Version 1 - 3T List

Citation: Essay 2; Tips and Tricks to Change the Mind 

Activity 2

Version 2 - Daily To-Do List

Citation: Essay 2; Tips and Tricks to Change the Mind 

Activity 3

Version 3 - Weekly List 

Citation: Essay 2; Tips and Tricks to Change the Mind 

Navigating the Feeling of "Failure"

Emotional Attachment

Citation: Essay 2; Tips and Tricks to Change the Mind

Understanding Why

Citation: Essay 2; Tips and Tricks to Change the Mind

Healthy Response

Citation: Essay 2; Tips and Tricks to Change the Mind 

Positive Self-Talk to Maintain Positive Attitudes

Citation: Essay 2; Tips and Tricks to Change the Mind 

Procrastination and Perfectionism

Within the college and school settings, perfectionism is a very prominent topic, with high standards, concern over mistakes, and doubts of actions accompanying these settings. Perfectionism can also be carried into our future jobs, careers, and lives at home.  Both societal and self-imposed perfectionism can become a hurdle when attempting to curb procrastination.

Unrealistic Demands


Realistic Goals

Aaron Long

I am a full time student here and I serve part time in the Army National Guard, I also get part time civilian work where I can. I hope to become a law enforcement officer in the next year and I aspire to push my career into federal law enforcement in agencies like the US Marshalls, FBI or DEA. I hope to serve as a member of a tactical team some day in the future. School has never been a strong suit for me, and I have never particularly enjoyed going, but college to me is the door to greater opportunities in government agencies, and therefore I choose to continue through my education and that leads straight into today. To me, this project is something that I can look back on in the future,  a way to take my own advice. This information is open source and accessible to me, and I can come back and take in information I learned while doing this assignment. I hope others take away that personal mental health and well being are predicated upon your perception of your situation. Just feel happy and you will be happy.

Alex Griffin 

What this project means to me would be that I struggled a lot procrastination throughout the course of COVID-19 when most of life was uncertain, and when we had to adjust our schooling to due to what we were allowed to do lead to me creating habit that was not a good one and I think that this was because of the way school was set up during the course of COVID-19, with having longer deadlines, modified assignments and tests because of the way that things were going lead me become very disorganized so I started creating to do lists for myself to be able to keep me organized and make me help manage deadlines and things that I need to get done. 

What I hope those would be able to take away from this self-help program would be that there are ways to be help you manage task and assignments that need to be done without the stress of doing last minute and this can allow for you to take more time on the assignments that need to be done and that if you were not successful the first time, thats okay, you weren’t   successful the first time, but  you have the ability to be successful the second time. 

Anya Henderson

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology and Criminal Justice with a minor in Philosophy. I am excited about this project because it gave me the opportunity to apply my learning in a way that benefits the world around me. I hope to continue to use the Wise Intervention framework throughout my professional career to help people make meaningful changes through research-informed practices. 

I hope that the main takeaway from this website is that the mind is incredibly malleable and, although it takes great effort from the individual, it is possible to leverage the culturally perceived flaws or errors in the memory system and use them to propel one toward success.

Teagan DeWeese 

I always struggle with doing my school work when I am at home and sometimes I struggle to keep all of my classes, homework, tests, assignments, and due dates straight. As a music major, I am required to take many classes each semester. This could be anywhere between 8 and 12, and oftentimes, I will take classes for 0 credits so that I can meet all of my requirements. When I have a lot of assignments from different classes, especially big assignments, I often like to put them off because I have a lot to do. This then leads me to procrastinate, but I almost always turn assignments in on time.

This semester, I specifically got a job that I can complete my homework at, in order to help provide myself with designated time where I can work with little distractions. This proved to be very helpful for me, but I still notice my peers in my cohort who stay up till early morning trying to complete an assignment due the next day. 

While I have overcome a major hurdle in procrastination, many people have not and creating a self-help program to curb procrastination could be very beneficial for many college students.
