
If registering by 30, June 2024, registration rates are as follows:

If registering after 30, June 2024, registration rates are as follows:

Registrations received after August 20, 2024 do not have a guarantee of a conference lunches and a Peter Brice Awards dinner ticket.  We will contact you if we are unable to accommodate you for lunches or dinner.

Approximate exchange rates (May 2024) for 8,000,000


By registering for this event, registrants grant to the 2024 Pacific Circle Consortium Conference convening organization the right, in all media, to create, adapt and use, for educational, promotional, or other lawful purposes both now and in the future, any recordings or pictures of their image or voice in photographs, videos, electronic reproductions, and audio of such, made or taken in connection with the 2024 Pacific Circle Consortium Conference without receiving compensation or royalties.

Header image by Sơn Thức Huỳnh at Pexels