De-Stress for Finals/ AP Tests

~Five Ways to De-Stress ~

Step 1:

Make a comfortable space for you to focus. Light candles, get chores that would distract you from studying, or even make something to eat that will help you focus.

Step 2:

Remember to take breaks. Studying for hours is impressive, but you also need to give your brain a break. Step away from whatever you're doing for a bit and let your brain comprehend everything.

Step 3:

If it so pleases you, go out into nature. Stress can have negative effects on your body system, so by taking a walk, doing yoga, or any physical activity can help your body to relax.

Step 4:

Put on some music! While music may seem like a distraction, it can also be used as a calming aid. It has been shown that slow, calming music can reduce your heart rate and stress hormones!

Step 5 (Most important):

Be confident in yourself. I know that may seem difficult -- maybe even impossible --, but understanding that you are fully capable of achieving greatness can go a long way. Understand that, while this test may be a big deal now, it won't be in the future. This one test doesn't need to define how intelligent you are. Be nice to yourself.