Term 4

Session One

A Walk to Remember

Here are some resources to help you with Past Tense verbs!

Kauri Team Tense Modelling Book
Kauri Team Irregular Past Tense Verbs

You are writing in Past tense this term. You are to complete 4 writing tasks and then use those tasks to write about an adventure.

Step 1:
Plan for writing: Use the planning frame to plan for writing.

Use keywords only!

This is just to help you gather ideas and organise them for writing.

Step 2: Sentences and Language Features

Task 1:

Improve these sick sentences. Make sure to write in PAST TENSE.

The old lady held her cane. She walked towards the railway tracks. She was tired.

Task 2:

Give your character/s a voice. Write what they would say while they are on their adventure.

This needs to be in the past tense.

Use “ ” around your dialogue.

e.g. Grandma shrieked with excitement beside me, "I wonder where those tracks lead too?"

Task 3:

Write at least 3 sentences to describe the setting of your adventure.


Include where (weather), when (time of day), who (character) and how (adverb - ly words)

Show, don’t tell!

Hint: add details such as when, where, and how.
e.g As the sun slowly set below the horizon, a gust of wind rapidly flowed through the never ending maze.

Task 4:

Imagine you experienced this adventure. Write 2-3 sentences about how you would feel and why.

This is your conclusion to your adventure.

e.g. Our adventure through the maze was spectacular. Seeing those wondrous views was truly breathtaking.

Step 3:
Follow up Activity:

Your instructions:

Use your plan to write about your adventure. Use Task 3 as your introduction and Task 4 as your conclusion.

Remember to:

  • include paragraphs

  • include dialogue

  • use the sentence ladder to show what happens next in your adventure

  • use your plan to organise your ideas

  • use the sentences from above.

  • write in past tense

Have a buddy check your writing to make sure you have included everything.

Step 4:
Reflect on your writing: Write about what you are proud of, and what you would like to work on next. Think about these ideas when you reflect.

  • Show not tell

  • Dialogue

  • Punctuation

  • Sentence starters and lengths

  • Paragraphing