
Term 3: Film Festival

How To - WeVideo 2022

How to use WeVideo

Kauri Team - Making Movies a beginners guide
** Film Festival Planning

Term 1: Green Week

All about Whales

(Name) All about Whales

Find a copy of this slide in your Inquiry folder:

  1. Name your slide

  2. Choose 1 marine mammal to research. Once you have completed 1 mammal, you may choose another one.

Follow the instructions on each slide:

  1. Find out 5-10 interesting facts about your chosen mammal.

  2. Include a labeled diagram of your mammal.

  3. Explain how we can help to save the population of your mammal.

  4. Create an animation about your chosen mammal.

Whale Poo Could Help Save the World
Where you can find Marine Mammals in NZ

Scroll through and learn about different endemic (native to New Zealand) marine mammals.

Fact Files about NZ Native Mammals.pdf

Read and learn about Whales

Whales - Non Fiction

Click on the picture to read more information about Marine mammals.

Term 1: Te Tiriti o Waitangi

WALT explore and develop an understanding of:

– The History of the Treaty of Waitangi.

– Differences in the Te Reo Māori and English translations and the issues that these differences create.

– How the treaty is a relevant and living document today.

Kauri Treaty of Waitangi

Check out the information about Te Tiriti o Waitangi in this slide.

The Tree House Treaty

Re-read the story. Why was this treaty needed?