Online Learning Tips

As parents and guardians we all want to do what is best for our students in their learning. In a "normal" school year we know what to expect and how to help our students prepare for the upcoming year. In this new world of online learning, many of us are trying to figure out what we can do to make the transition to virtual school easier for our learners. Here are some great tips to help you out.

  • Make a Space - Whether your child will be learning at a table, a desk, or in a quiet corner of a room, set up a consistent space for them to learn. Make sure they have access to their device and other typical school supplies like pencils and paper. If the space, like a kitchen counter or table, is used for multiple purposes, have a box where supplies can be stored so when students are not participating in their learning, they can put their materials in the box and the space can be used for other purposes.

  • Set a Schedule - Kids need structure and routines to feel safe and be successful. Based on information provided by the school, help your student create a schedule for their day. When will they eat? When will they be online with their teacher? When will they have brain breaks? Even though our students may be at home, setting up routines that help them mentally prepare for school can help prepare them for learning. Keep the schedule close to their learning space so they can reference it throughout the day.

  • Share Expectations - Set expectations for your student's learning time. Where will they work? What should they do if they need your support? An example expectation might be "no food, no phones" in the learning area to help minimize distractions.

How to Get Kids Ready to Video-Chat for Online Classes

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Pro Tips for Online Learning

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Viewing Teacher Feedback in My.Flipgrid

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Tips for using Multiple Windows at Once

Using split screens is really helpful when you are trying to view two things at once on your device. For example, if you are in a Google Meet with your class and need to look at a Google Doc at the same time. There are several different ways to set up a split screen, depending on the device you are using. Here are some tips to get you started.


Start by clicking and dragging down the tab you want on the right or left. This will separate the tab from the others and create a new window.

  1. On one of the windows you want to see, click and hold Maximize◻︎.

  2. Drag to the left or right arrow: ﹤or ﹥.

  3. Repeat for a second window.

Quick Tip: You can also use the shortcut Alt + [ to move left, or Alt + ] to move right.

Windows 7 or 10

  1. Open two windows.

  2. Place your mouse in an empty area at the top of any open window, hold down the left mouse button, and drag the window to the left side of the screen, toward the center of that side.

NOTE: On Win10 you will need to drag it all the way to the edge of the screen before letting go.

  1. Let go of the mouse. The window will take up half the screen.

  2. Repeat Step 2 for the second window, this time dragging to the right before letting go of the mouse button. The window will take up the other half of the screen.

Quick Tip: You can also use the shortcut Windows Key + Left Arrow to move left, or Windows Key + Right Arrow to move right.


  1. Hover your pointer over the full-screen button in the upper-left corner of a window. Or click and hold the button.

  2. Choose ”Tile Window to Left of Screen” or ”Tile Window to Right of Screen” from the menu.

  3. Click a window on the other side of the screen to begin using both windows side by side.

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