KDE Resources
Progress Monitoring
The video below was developed to support districts in understanding the “what" and “why" of progress monitoring as well as how to effectively monitor progress. The video is a companion resource to and highlights key features of the Collecting, Analyzing and Utilizing Progress Monitoring Data for Students with Individual Education Programs guidance document.
The video below highlights the key features of the Goal Monitoring tool found in Infinite Campus (IC) and can be used as a training tool to support school districts in setting up and monitoring IEP goals and objectives.
This video below was developed to support districts in understanding the connection between progress monitoring and driving student results. The video first covers the process of the ARC team creating a well-developed and appropriately ambitious IEP. Then, the progress monitoring cycle is discussed along with support for identifying an adaptation to SDI and when an ARC meeting should occur to change the SDI. Finally, the importance of using graphs and aim lines to monitor and report progress is discussed.
Progress Monitoring - Driving Results and Staying Compliant (PDF)
Progress Monitoring- Driving Results and Staying Compliant video