Box League

Deadline dates for completion of matches and submission of results:

Round 9: Thursday 25th January

Round 10 : Thursday 8th February

Round 11: Thursday 22nd February

Round 12: Thursday 8th March

Round 13: Thursday 22nd March

Round 14: Thursday 5th April

Round 15: Thursday 19th April

Please note: Adult Club Night games have priority over box league matches

Latest News

Saturday 10th March Despite the weather and several players being away on holiday, we still managed to complete five boxes.

Saturday 24th February Helen S, who is new to the club and played as a substitute last week, has joined in as Player 2 for the rest of the season.

Thursday 9th February A number of players have had to drop out of the box league. Up until now, their names have been kept in to avoid having to reset all the boxes. In future, players who have dropped out will be replaced as "Player n". Where Player n appears in a box a substitute will need to be found and it's up to the remaining players in that box to arrange this.

Box League Basics

A box has four players, with each player playing one set of doubles (first to 6) partnering with every other player in their box, i.e. a box will play a total of three sets.

The player who wins the most games is promoted and the player who wins fewest is relegated.

The league runs on a two week cycle, Friday to Thursday and the published deadlines will be strictly observed.

Players are responsible for arranging to play their box league games. It is obviously better to arrange to play them in the first week rather than the second to give yourselves as much chance as possible to complete.