Equitable Design

The Equitable Design Grant increased school connectedness among 45 Black and Latinx MKV, Foster, and Newcomer youth as measured by increased school attendance, increased self reported SEL wellbeing and academic identity. This pilot program paid students $50 a week to attend school daily, regularly check in with a key adult, and complete the Sown to Grow SEL and Academic reflection. Students’ reflections show that the money incentivized them to come to school, but it was the relationships they created with the key adults and other students that kept them there. The $20,200 investment in this program may allow OUSD to capture $779,625 in per pupil revenue. 

Equitable Design Project

Equitable Design Project Presentation

The Equitable Design Pilot Presentaiton

Equitable Design Participation Opportunity

Equitable Design Participation Opportunity

This document outlines the opportunity presented to high school students in spring 2023.