LesSon study w/ tru

Overview the Lesson Study Cycle

The Math Department defines a research theme to study, continues to investigate the research theme using the TRU math dimensions as a toll to focus the inquiry.

The Math Department collectively investigates instructional practices that further the research theme

  • All teachers test instructional practices in their classrooms, with opportunities for peer observation and video and collect data.
  • Use department time to plan and reflect on instructional practices, using the TRU Math dimensions to further our thinking.

The Math Department gives feedback and input to the Research Lesson Planning Team.

A Research Lesson Plan Team (2-4 people) deeply plans a Research Lesson, a student learning experience that gives us a window into what we're learning about our research theme.

The Research Lesson Planning Team uses the department's collective learning to inform planning

  • The team incorporates instructional practices explored by the larger department
  • The team requests feedback and input from the whole department

Teach and Observe the Research Lesson

  • Research Lesson Planning Team identifies data for observers to collect. One member of the planning team teaches the lesson.
  • The Math Department observes the lesson and collects data.

The Math Department reflects on learning so far:

  • Share observation data in post-lesson discussion, including discussion of the TRU Math dimensions
  • Synthesize learning across classroom inquiry and the Research Lesson
  • Identify focus and next steps for next Lesson Study cycle

Sample Schedule

Schedule for a Lesson Study Cycle.pdf

Research Lesson Preparation Checklist

4 Weeks Before the Research Lesson

  • Confirm the date and time
  • Planning Team creates sub jobs
  • Send invitation to Final Commentator sample
  • Send invitations to guests (including request for video services from Mills, if applicable)

3 Weeks Before the Research Lesson

  • Planning Team submits Discussion Guide to knowledgeable others for feedback sample
  • Planning Team submits Discussion Guide to Final Commentator to preview
  • Reserve locations for the pre- and post-lesson discussions; Confirm classroom
  • Confirm or reserve technology for the Post-Lesson Discussion and Final Commentator

2 Weeks Before the Research Lesson

  • Planning Team finalizes Discussion Guide, student materials and seating chart based on feedback
  • Prepare (with Planning Team) Data Collection Tool sample
  • Confirm sub jobs
  • Confirm details and logistics with Final Commentator
  • Confirm facilitators for the pre- and post-lesson discussions
  • Create agenda for the day of the research lesson sample

1 Week Before the Research Lesson

  • Planning Team does a mock up lesson; Finalizes Discussion Guide (particularly Board Plan and Data to be Collected); Submit to knowledgeable others for additional feedback
  • Planning Team prepares materials and copies for students
  • Confirm sub jobs; Make an alternate plan in case of a sub shortage
  • Submit finalized Discussion Guide to Final Commentator
  • Send reminder email to all guests with details and logistics sample
  • Order food
  • Print out timesheets, if applicable
  • Modify pre- and post-lesson discussion, as needed
  • Make copies of the participant packet:

Agenda sample

Pre-Lesson Discussion Protocol sample

Discussion Guide

Student Materials

Seating Chart

Observation Log or Data Collection Tool sample

Post-Lesson Discussion Protocol sample

Day Before the Research Lesson

  • Make copies of the Pre- and Post-Lesson Discussion Facilitator Agendas sample
  • Confirm sub jobs
  • Prepare materials:

Post-its (3 different colors)

Chart paper & markers

Technology, if needed