OUSD Library Portal
Mission: OUSD Libraries provide all students crucial access and regular opportunities to READ, explore, collaborate, create, think critically, problem solve and have fun in a safe and vibrant space, while teachers access resources and essential support to extend lessons beyond the classroom. We collaborate to create strong library programs aimed at engaging students to become skilled users of information and technology, fostering academic growth and information literacy.
Vision: Oakland Unified School District Libraries are the heart of every school. Within five years we will have model libraries at the Elementary, Middle and High school levels with professional Teacher-Librarians, support staff, book budgets, technology and furniture. These model libraries support and uplift the school they serve and provide inspiration for the entire District: library staff, central office administration, principals and funders. Our collections and library programming -- including maker spaces, art, traveling exhibits, award winning authors and speakers -- is recognized in the Bay Area as a standard for other school districts to reach. Within ten years, all of the elementary, middle and high school libraries will follow the model set within the first five years. Central office staff, principals, teachers and the full school community thoroughly understand the value of the school library and are ambassadors of library culture.
OUSD libraries: the heart of every school!
More information HERE!