Senior Project

Senior Project Overview

Seniors will work in groups of 6-7 to complete a year long project that focuses on an issue that affects people in Oakland. Students will work with their team to build an Android application aimed at helping people who are affected by their chosen topic. In addition, students will also intern at local organizations and create action projects that align with the needs to the local community.

Students will use the Design Thinking process to learn about people and build for their unique needs.

Design Thinking is a process for building products for real people. It is centered around getting to know the lives and struggles of real people in order to serve them best.

Senior Project Topics

Students will choose a subtopic from one of these categories:

  1. Homelessness
  2. The Environment
  3. Drugs, Physical Safety, & Criminal Justice
  4. Education
  5. Violence
  6. Media
  7. Immigration
  8. LGBTQ Rights
  9. Unemployment
  10. Issues in the Workplace

Senior Project Timeline

10/1 - 10/12 Team formation & meeting mentors

10/15 - 10/31 Community Interview & Empathy

11/1 - 11/6 Defining the Problem

11/12 - 11/16 Designing a Solution

11/26 - 12/12 Building a Prototype

12/17 - 11/19 Prototype Presentations

January Intersession/App Incubator/Internships

Important Resources

It is essential to have a functioning computer and high speed internet at home. If you need help getting these resources, please reach out.

Group work Requirements

Students will be required to work closely with their team mates. Students should expect to dedicate at least 2 hours per week outside of Seminar Class toward meeting and working with their team.

Students who fail to work with team mates will NOT pass this project and will endanger their ability to graduate.