Research Paper

Senior Capstone Research Paper Assignment 2018-19

In a 7 to 10 page research paper, students will present their findings and proposed solution on an issue of social (in)justice. Students must synthesize analysis from at least 8 sources, including:

  • 1 book and 1 Peer-reviewed Journal articles


  • 2 Peer-reviewed Journal articles


  • 1 periodical (newspaper or news magazine)


  • Original field research

Students will include a Works Cited page of their best sources, use MLA/APA citation format, and follow traditional formatting guidelines. The research paper should generally follow the format below:

Section 1: The Issue in Context (3-6 pages)

Explain the problem.

In this section, you need to prove that this inequity is a problem. You will need to cite facts and statistics.

You also need to explain who the stakeholders are.

  • As in, who created this inequity?
  • Who is impacted by it?
  • Who cares about it?
  • Who has the power to change it?

Next, explain the context of the problem.

  • For how long has this issue been an issue?
  • What are some relevant current or historical events that have impacted this issue?
  • What are the systems of power that shape and impact this issue?
  • What is the root cause?
  • How is this issue an inequity?
  • Why and how does it impact some people more than others?

  • Required components: Evidence in the form of statistics or quotes, Historical background of issue, explanation of root cause
  • Key vocabulary: Inequity, stakeholders, system(s) of power, root cause

Section 2: Perspectives and Findings (2-3 pages)

Explain a minimum of three different perspectives on this issue held by different people, groups or organizations, and the implications of their different perspectives.

One perspective should be your field research--this is the perspective of your local community.

You can include perspectives from: experts, people impacted by the issue, people who support those impacted by the issue, people who have power to impact the issue, community or political organizations, politicians, etc.

Include sourcing information about the person or group, what their relationship is to the issue, and what unique perspective they offer about the issue or how it should be solved.


  • Required components: 3 different perspectives on issue, including perspective from field research
  • Key vocabulary: perspective, implication

Section 3: Theory of Change (2-3 pages)

Explain your theory of change for how to stop this inequity. The theory of change should be big and imaginative and address the issue’s root cause (so not just a workshop or a law, but what combination or actions and tactics of change would end this issue in 20 years? In 5 years?)

  • Required components: A theory of change that addresses the full complexity of the issue, its root cause, and its impacts.
  • Key vocabulary: Tactics of change

Section 4: Conclusion (0.5-2 pages)

What do you want people to remember/feel about your issue?

  • Paraphrase key points from your body paragraphs
  • Reiterate your main argument - why is this a problem? Who is it impacting? Why should people care?
  • Close with a bang - your conclusion should leave a lasting impression

Works Cited

MLA citations (make sure they’re alphabetical by last name)

Minimum of 8 sources listed.

2 must be peer-reviewed academic sources, and

1 must be your field research.

See research paper rubric here.