Our Parents

School Term Dates

Check out West Dunbartonshire Council pages for the latest school term dates and staff in service days


On a date or dates to be intimated by the Chief Education Officer, parents must register for education for all children who have attained the age of 5 years before the last day of February of the succeeding year.

Parents have a right to make a placing request whereby their child(ren) can be educated in a school other than the one that serves their catchment area. Placing request forms can be given on request at the time of registration.

Please bring your child's Birth Certificate and proof of your address when you come to register.

School Uniform

Primary 7 pupils wear a black uniform and our senior tie. This helps to prepare them to the transition to secondary school.

Please note that only primary 7 pupils should wear black items of uniform.

Our School Uniform:


Grey trousers/knee length shorts, white polo shirt/white shirt with school tie, royal blue sweatshirt/embroidered sweatshirt (NO hoodies), waterproof jacket/coat with hood, dark shoes.


Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers, blue/white or yellow/white checked summer dress, white polo shirt/white shirt with school tie, royal blue sweatshirt/embroidered sweatshirt (NO hoodies), waterproof jacket/coat with hood, dark shoes.

An order form for the following items is available at the school office:

Crew Neck Sweatshirts

V-Neck Sweatshirt


Reversible Jacket


*Payment should be made at time of ordering.*

P.E Kit

Our P.E Kit

Black gym shoes or trainers (must be kept in school for use in the hall only), T-shirt, shorts

Parent Council

Chairperson: Gemma McEwan

Vice Chair: Debbie Andre

Secretary: Alison Geggan

Treasurer: Christine Hunter

*The parent council can be contacted via the school office, there is also a notice board located beside the office*

If you can get involved please get in touch, the more the merrier!!