Community Learning

How community was nurtured in this project...

The children were working in collaborative groups on this project. In order to build effective collaborative teams it was important to have a real focus on community building. This was done through a variety of community building acitivities throughout the project. Watch this video as Jade explains how she used community builders in this project.

These are some of the Community Builders we used in this project:

Magnets Mania:

    • Teacher calls out a body part to another, "hand to hand... toe to toe".

    • If the teacher calls the same body parts again, the children must find another way to connect these.

Island Hopping:

    • Each group must cross the playground whilst all remaining in a hula hoop. Hula hoops are limited to three per group.

Skills Race:

    • Each group must recreate the images related to each skill, created by Single Steps. In each group, only one member can go and check the images at a time and memorise the drawings.

Skills Drama:

    • Each group creates a short drama performance, demonstrating two of the skills. Other groups guess which skills are being demonstrated.

Skills matching:

    • When the skills were first introduced, the words and images drawn by Single Steps were seperated. The children had to match these and stick them on the first page of their group planning booklet. A great way to introduce the skills and encourage the children to discuss how these may look in real life situations.

Backwards Pictionary:

    • Children draw an image on a partners back, using their finger. The partner guesses what this is and they swap.

Naming Circles:

    • Have 2 groups together and give them a category. The children must go around the circle and name relevant things related to that topic till someone repeats/pauses too long, for example, chocolate bars, colours etc.

Pass the Hoop:

    • Two teams stand in a circle holding hands and have to pass the hoop the whole way around the circle without breaking hands.

Cross the River:

    • Flip a coin per group: Heads = one jump forwards, Tails = one step backwards. The whole group can go at once.

Balloon Train:

    • Each group is in a line of: child-balloon-child-balloon-child. They have to cross the room without dropping the balloon and cannot use their hands to hold it in place.


    • Create an image and cut up for another group to solve.

  • Build a Bridge:

    • A timed challenge, using limited resources, of creating a bridge that will withstand different weights.