Our School
Starting School in Gartocharn
School Hours
Opening: 9.00 am
Interval: 10.30am—10.45am
Lunch: 12.15pm— 1.00pm
Close: 3.00 pm
If your child is unwell please let the School Office know before 8.45am on 01389 773970 or email SchoolOffice.Gartocharn@education.w-dunbarton.sch.uk
Miss Anne McKerry Head Teacher
Miss Samantha Irvine Acting Principal & Support for Learning
Mrs Laura Whitelaw P1/2
Mrs Jade Phillips & Mrs Eilish Neill P3/4
Miss Gillian Docherty P4/5
Miss Eilidh Torrie P6/7 (Probationer)
Mrs Jacqueline McKenzie Teaching Assistant
Mrs Ashley McGhee Teaching Assistant
Mrs Gail Kerr Clerical/Admin
Mr Gerard Douglas Facilities Assistant
Mrs Cathy McDonald Cook
School Uniform
We are an active school with a focus on Outdoor Learning so children are encouraged to wear an active school uniform.
School Red or White Polo Shirt
Red Sweatshirt
Black Leggings or Tracksuit bottoms
Or a School Tracksuit and T Shirt
Some families prefer their children to wear the formal school uniform which is:
Grey Trousers / Shorts / Skirts or Pinafore
White Shirt and tie
White or Red Polo Shirt
Red Jersey or Cardigan
Please click on the following link to purchase school uniform
Some pupils may be eligible for a clothing grant. Parents can ask at the school office or online on the West Dunbartonshire Council website.
We ask that all items of uniform be clearly marked/labelled with your child’s name and class to ensure that is does not get lost.
Gym Kit and Outdoor Clothing
Please can your child bring in an indoor and outdoor gym kit to be left in school.
Indoor kit should consist of shorts, t-shirt, socks and gym shoes.
Outdoor kit should consist of joggers/leggings, jumper and outdoor trainers.
Please label all gym kits clearly with your child’s name.
To allow us to continue to build on the outdoor learning experiences the children were given in the nursery, could you please send a pair of wellington boots in for your child to be kept in school if possible. We have a small selection of spare boots if you are unable to do so. Again could these please have your child’s name on them.
Gartocharn Campus Parent Council (GPC)
Chairperson Sheila Bannerman
Vice Chairperson Zoe Croucher
Secretaries Kat Jones & Maggi O'Hare
Social Media Kirsty Johnston & Rhonda Fraser
Fundraising Lynsey Wilkie
Treasurer & Nursery Representative Jade Barclay
Community Representatives Angela Wirz & Angela Young
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gartocharn.parentcouncil
Email contact: gartocharnparentcouncil@gmail.com
School Bus
If you think you may be entitled to free school transport please ask for more information from the School Office.
School transport | West Dunbartonshire Council (west-dunbarton.gov.uk)
Early Start Club
Early Start Club begins at 8.15am, your child must be dropped at the School Office door. Payment is via ParentPay, you do not need to book.
Early Start Club – £2.00 per child