

In this unit we explore what the meaning of respect is. Then we focus on the religion of Judaism. What are Jewish beliefs and practices, and how do Jews demonstrate respect for God and other people.


In this unit we explore what the meaning of resilience is. Then we focus on the religion of Islam. What are Muslim beliefs and practices, and why resilience should be at the heart of Islam.



In this unit we explore the meaning of commitment. We then focus on the religion of Christianity, and in particular the central story of ‘The Good Samaritan,’ and how this story explains the key beliefs which Christians are committed to following in their lives.


In this unit we explore the meaning of Confidence. What are the benefits of confidence and how can we develop confidence and self-esteem? We focus on the religion of Hinduism. What are key beliefs and practices of Hindus, and what makes Hindus confident that their behaviour affects what their next reincarnation will be?


World Religion

As pupils enter S3, this first unit focuses on the religion of Christianity. However, there is greater depth than in S2, as pupils grapple with controversial themes such as the ‘virgin birth,’ and the ‘resurrection'. How does belief in an afterlife and the divinity of Jesus Christ affect their approach to life?

Morality & Belief

In this unit, pupils come to an understanding of what morality means, and how we can adopt different moral stances to help us make good decisions in our lives. We focus on different moral issues such as abortion and animal rights, and then crime and punishment, and in particular, capital punishment. Pupils learn skills of analysis and evaluation exploring different viewpoints, and offer their own views supported with good reasons.