Welcome to the Religious Education department!

Religious Education aims to help pupils to explore a range of different topics and the viewpoints associated with them. We aim to help young people negotiate the moral mine-field that is life in the 21st Century, by allowing them to reach their own understanding and begin forming their own viewpoints and judgements.

Throughout S1, S2 and S3 we will study a varied range of topics such as Big Questions, Animal Exploitation, Morality and Ways of Life.

In S4, pupils will be studying National 5 Social Anthropology, which allows pupils to explore the world and understand their own place within it.

We assist pupils to explore different philosophical stances to help them to develop their own tools for finding meaning and purpose in life, and to help them make positive decisions.

Studying RME can offer you opportunities to develop invaluable life skills and equip you with knowledge that will open doors to some really exciting career prospects - probably above and beyond what you can currently imagine.

Look at the world around you - everywhere you go you will encounter people. People, who may dress differently from you, have different opinions, beliefs, they may even speak a different language! No other subject will prepare you better to understand and appreciate this diversity of the human race. And more importantly, the better you understand the world around you, hopefully the more effective and successful part of it you can become.

Have a look at some of these amazing stories!

Arun - Junior doctor

Scully - Radio DJ

Lillie - Recipe Developer

Here are some of the careers that favour a qualification in RME:


Social Work




Care Worker


Community Work

Charities Administration

Human Resources



Kathryn Maclennan - Curricular Leader

Claire Mackenzie - Class Teacher

Larraine Thomson - Class Teacher

Useful links

