

Children should come to school each day wearing the formal uniform – black trousers/skirt/pinafore, white shirt, black jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan, tie and black shoes. The PE uniform should only be worn on days when your child has PE.

Badged and tartan school uniform can be ordered throughout the year from our school uniform provider, Schoolwear Made Easy.

School ties are available to purchase from the school office.

The formal uniform is:

The tartan uniform is:

Uniform on P.E days only is :

PE Days 

Your child’s PE days will be on Class Dojo.

Due to WDC Health and Safety earrings, rings etc. must be removed for PE and cannot be covered with plasters.

Children must be able to remove and put in their own earrings or have them taken out before coming to school on PE days as staff are not permitted to do this.

PE sessions are permitted indoors but due to continuing covid Health and Safety concerns the main option is to have PE sessions outdoors


You can order items of uniform from the School Wear Made Easy  website by clicking on the link below:
