Weekly Blog.

Week One. 2nd of Febuary 2023.

The school year has gotten off with a rocky start where we were delayed due to weather concerns.  Thank you to all the whānau that sent their tamariki to school on Thursday and Friday. It was wonderful to meet some of the new faces in our classroom. This is some of what we did on Thursday and Friday this week. 

We made name tags for our tote trays. 

We decorated cupcakes with icing a sprinkles. It was incredibly fun and messy.

Friday morning started our by doing some maths. We are learning to add to ten. We had lots of fun finding all the different ways to make 5 and then 10 with our hippopotamuses 

This year Te Puna will be looking after Oturu Worm Farm. Whaea Ngauru came on Thursday and Friday to show us how to care for the worms.  There is a lot to remember.  We are looking forward to learning all there is about the worms and how to care for them.

We went for our first swim of 2023. Please remember to send along our togs everyday.

It was a great start to the school year. See you next week whānau.

Week 2 : 7th  February - 10th February.

We started our week by learning about the Treaty of Waitangi and the different ways people celebrate Waittangi Day. 

We have started our reading programme which has lots of fun activities to help cement sound, letter and word knowledge.

We started weeding our shared garden with Te Awa this week so we can start planting our gardens with vegetables for our Garden 2 Table programme. 

Here are a few other  photos of some of the other learning we did this week.

Week 4. 20th of February - 25 of February.

Our first full week of Kura and it was jam packed with learning, excitement and adventures. 

On Monday we walked to the school orchard and picked apples , which we peeled and cooked and then made a delicious apple crumble. 

Week 5-6

Week 7.

This Monday we made Gnocchi. Gnocchi is a pasta that is made out of potatoe and flour. First we cooked the potatoe then we mashed them. Then we added the flour and parmesean cheese and egg. We rolled them into balls and popped them on a tray until we were all finished. We boiled them. You know Gnocchi is cooked when it floats in the water.

 Week 8.  20th March - 24th March.

We had a fantastic Garden 2 Table session on Monday. We cooked banana and Nutella muffins which we decided were delicious. 


Term 2 started out slowly much like Term 1 with Week One only having 3 days at school. We enjoyed getting back to school and Friday was International Superhero Day which of course we had to celebrate.

Whaea Amanda was away sick Week 2 but we had lots of fun learning reading, writing, math and celebrating the Kings coronation.

Week 3.

We were back to normality this week and we started our new reading and phonics program BSLA.  It is a new programme specifically designed for New Zealand children and we will be adding updates and photos around our learning throughout the rest of the year.

We celebrated Mothers Day by making a few small crafts for someone special in our lives.

Week 4.

Our first week this term of having Garden 2 Table. We love G2T in Te Puna and we used the lettuce, raddish, chives and spring onions in our garden to make yummy salads

Week 5

Week 5 for Garden 2 Table we made spinach and silverbeet ravioli and pasta with a cream sauce.

Week 9.

Week 9 was a very exciting week. We started the week with Garden 2 Table on Monday by harvesting our potatoes and making potatoe salad.  On Wednesday we went up to Oturu Marae where Te Moana welcomed us on. We had a yummy kai and played games. It was lots of fun. Maui was our spokes person and he gave a short speech thanking Te Moana for having us at the marae. It was a really special moment of tuakana tenia. On Friday Constable Mandy came into our class and taught us all about road safety and different things we need to do to keep ourselves safe on the road. Thank you Constable Mandy.

Week 10.

The last week of the Term was a busy one for Te Puna. On Monday we had Scientists come and show us some experiments. It was lots of fun. For Garden 2 Table we made patterns with Fruit Kebabs and chocolate chip cookies with a milo.  On Friday we had assembly where we all made play dough animals. It was alot of fun.

Term 3

On the first day of Term 3 we were lucky enough to be visited by Te Pou Theatre. They put on a play called Te Haerenga ā Hoiho. It was a lot of fun with some very funny characters. Whaea Michelle played the bird. We laughed a lot at the farting dragon.

Oturu School was very excited for the play

Whaea Michelle played a good bird.

For Garden 2 Table we cooked Matariki biscuits, made whipped cream sammys. We cleaned out our garden of the weeds that grew over the holidays. We planted the seedlings we had been growing.