
In term 2 we learnt about marae. We made our own marae

For Super Hero Day we dressed up as super heros

In Garden 2 Table we learn how to plant seeds and look after the plants.

Whaea Donna comes in every Tuesday and teaches us how to use our Ipads. We have lots of fun learning activities.

Practicing on my Ipad

Each Term we write and draw about things that make us happy, people that make us feel safe at school and safe places at school as a part of our Mana Potential programme

We made gnnochi out of mashed potatoe.

We have been learning about patterns in maths. We made patterns out of fruit kebabs.

I am cutting up chives for the pasta

We made pasta with a cream sauce

We made Chocolate chip biscuits.

I am stirring in the egg

We had a milo with our chocolate chip biscuits