HIB Tutorial for Non-Staff

The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR) was enacted by the New Jersey legislature in January 2011, with the goal of preventing harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) from occurring, and enabling schools to quickly address HIB when it does occur.

The ABR implements a number of procedures to achieve this goal. Among these procedures, schools are required to provide training to anyone with "significant contact" with students. OTSD has created this online tutorial to provide accessible training to non-employed members of our community who frequently work with our students, such as: substitutes, interns, PTA room parents or classroom volunteers.

Please use the navigational links above to explore this website and complete the training modules. For more information about the ABR, or to ask questions about Ocean Township School District's Board of Education HIB Policy, please contact our district Anti-Bullying Coordinator.