Minions Term 4

Week 7: Informal Letter Writing

WALT: to write a friendly letter to my friend inviting them for Christmas Party.

SC: to identify features of an informal letter.

Watch these videos to learn about Formal and Informal Letters. The second video gives an example of a friendly letter.

Now Use Google Docs to create a Friendly Letter.

Week 6: Comic Strip Writing

WALT: to write a creative story using comic strip.

SC: to choose some characters, setting, a problem and resolution.

Watch these videos to learn about how to create a comic strip.

Now Use Google Docs to create a comic strip.

Week 5: Poetry Writing

WALT: to plan and write a sensory poem.

SC: record thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly.

Watch these videos to learn about our Five Senses and how to write a poem.

Now Use Google Docs to write a Sensory Poem about your favourite season.

Week 2: Narrative Writing

WALT: to plan and write a creative spooky story.


Have a read through the slides to learn about Narrative Writing and the features of it.


Before writing your own story, make sure you have read the checklist and try to include everything indicated in the checklist.

Narrative writing checklist.pdf
My spooky story


Make a copy of this link to publish your story.

Week 1: Recount Writing

WALT: to plan and write a Recount story on "Our best experience from the Holidays".

Watch these two videos to get some inspiration and learn the correct format of writing a recount. The second video is an example of a recount.

Now Use Google Docs to write a recount on "your best experience from the Holidays"

Explanation Writing

WALT: to plan and write an explanation on "What is Diwali?"

Watch these two videos to get some inspiration as how to write an explanation.

Now Use Google Docs to write an explanation about "What is Diwali and how is it celebrated?