
Term 3

Week 7

Read: Dog Day! by Carmel Reilly

WALT: sequence the text.

To Do: Vocabulary Task

Comprehension Task


Week 6

Read: Time and Clocks

WALT: find the main ideas in the text.

To Do: Vocabulary Task

Comprehension Task


Week 5

Read: Hector's Electro-Pet Shop

WALT: find the main ideas in the text.

To Do: Vocabulary Task

Comprehension Task


Week 4

Read: Runaway Alien by Michael Pryor

WALT: find the keywords in the text.

To Do: Vocabulary Task

Comprehension Task


Week 3

Read: Luca's adventures in Florence by Cameron Macintosh

WALT: find the keywords in the text.

To Do: Vocabulary Task

Comprehension Task


Week 2

Read: High-Speed Trains by Debbie Croft

WALT: read to entertain others and showing fluency in my

reading speed, expression and feeling.

To Do: Prior Knowledge

Vocabulary Task

Comprehension Task

True/False Activity


Week 1

Read: The Mystery at Number 7 by Jill McDougall

WALT: read to entertain others and showing fluency in my

reading speed, expression and feeling.

To Do: Prior Knowledge

Vocabulary Task

Comprehension Task

Close Activity