
Taking care of the environment

September 2023

Tread Lightly Caravan

Learning Intention: to become more aware of the way I use resources in my environment the best way possible.  Not to be wasteful.

Smart Learners Instructions





Game PIN: 009125871

Taking care of the environment

August 2023

- Click on here to listen to the Lorax story by Dr Zeuss

  August-September 2023

  Term 3- Tread Lightly Caravan- Week 7

Learn: We are learning about how to take care of the environment and look after Planet Earth

Task: At home- put the rubbish in the bin, food scraps in the compost bin, plastic containers and bottles in the recycling bin.  At School- pick up litter and put in the bins around the school. In the class put the rubbish in the black bin and paper in the green recycling box.

Share: use images or words to show how you shared your learning about rubbish disposal with your whanau or class. - Click on the link to practise singing the Matariki song with actions

  Matariki- July- August 2023

  Term 3

Learn: We are learning about Matariki

Task: Go here to learn  about the names of the stars and complete your own slides.


Maori Gods

   Maori Gods- June 2023

           Learn: This week we are learning about Maori gods as we prepare to celebrate Matariki.  

Task: Go here to learn  about the Gods and complete your own slides.

Term 2- Week 10

     Matariki- June 2023

            It is a special holiday in New Zealand to remember The Maori New Year. 

Term 2- Week 9

     Anzac Day- 25 April 2023

            It is a special holiday in New Zealand to remember the soldiers who lost their lives in World War 1

Term 2- Week 1-2

      Waitangi Day- 6 February 2023

            It is a special holiday in new Zealand

Term 1