Young Inventors - Classroom C
Week 2

Instructional Materials

Lesson Notes

  1. Children will be asked to fill their boxes with water for lesson 2. We have provided a garbage bag for them to place inside the box like the box is a trash can. If you have a plastic container that you rather have them use, by all means please do. We just need something that can hold water and is big enough for the kids to test their boats. Thank you so much.

-YI Classroom C Teachers:

Build - A - Boat

Activity Materials


Teacher Names: Carrington Vaughn(2), Jesse LeClair(1), Christopher Corr, Dan Koch,

  1. Lesson Name: Build-A-Boat

    1. Concepts: Engineering (functions of a boat), Math(Volume) , Technology, Buoyancy

    2. Technical Skills: Assembling vehicle, following instructions, problem solving, gathering data, and testing

    3. Problem Solving/Design: While only using their breath to blow the boat how will they get the boat across the other side of the sink quickly and while trying to carry the most amount of weight as possible.

    4. STEM Activity Name: Boat Building

    5. Student Tasks/Activities: Build a boat and get it to travel and see how long it takes for it to travel from end to end.

    6. Notes:

      1. Students will attempt to test the handmade boats using their sinks

    7. Needed Materials (materials can be found in the box sent out in the week 2 baggy)

      1. Modeling clay, Crayola Model Magic, foil and/or wax paper sheets

      2. Index cards, paper, coffee filters, etc.

      3. Tape (masking tape or packing tape perform best, constrain to 12 in. or less)

      4. Scissors