STEM 4 Kids
Classroom D



Mr. Aldrich


Interests and Hobbies: I like to go hiking and fishing during the summer, and i love to ski during the winter.

Ms. Bloise


Interests and Hobbies: My interests are painting, reading, sustainability, traveling, and being in nature.

Mr. Cerrato


Interests and Hobbies:

My interests are working out, hunting and fishing.

Student and/or Activity Photos

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      • Please email photos of students and/or their activities and creations to

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Identifying what is recyclable and what is not from lesson 1.


Displaying the sketch of her recycling plant layout from lesson 2. Can't wait to see the recycling plant model in lesson 3.


Shares here recycling plant model with her teachers and classmates.

Teaching photos

Ms. Bloise

Ms. Bloise designing her recycling plant with students during lesson 3.

S4K - Classroom D for Leonardo DaVinci

Leonardo da Vinci (April 14th, 1452 – May 2nd, 1519) was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance Era who is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all time. The Mona Lisa is the most famous of his works and the most famous portrait ever made. Leonardo is revered for his technological ingenuity. He conceptualized flying machines, a type of armored fighting vehicle, concentrated solar power, an adding machine, and the double hull.