USB Cord Storage (hanger)

Date started- 10/12/2021

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10/14/2021: I sliced the stl file in Cura on Wednesday and got it set up for the printer. I tried leveling the bed and printing it three times on Wednesday as well. None of prints worked, each time one of the corners was too far away from the nozzle and dragged the print. I didn't attempt any prints today because I worked on Skillscamp today, but I plan I trying to print it Friday.

11/11/2021: Due to being absent for the majority of this week from allergies, I have not been able to print my design yet. I hope to be back at school tomorrow and can hopefully print my design with no problems.

11/18/2021: Haven't tried printing my design yet, been working on Unity and LocoDroneX. Will attempt to print when I have time or I hear that the nozzle has been replaced on the one printer.