Mental Health Community Partners

Sam Galan

Hi, my name is Sam Galan and I have lived in the Western Treasure Valley for over 40 years and am familiar with the make-up of our joining communities and the struggles faced by our children, teens, and families. 

I have always had a passion for serving our communities and was involved with efforts of opening the doors of Boys and Girls Club of the Western Treasure Valley from 2006 to 2011, as well as serving as a Scout Leader with Troop 400 and now as a Mental Health Counselor as graduate from the University of Idaho’s Rehabilitation Counseling and Human Services graduate program. I joined the Lifeways family in 2020 and have served in the role of School Based Mental Health Services since. 

Developing partnerships with school officials, counselors, and staff in serving the mental health needs of children and teens attending Ontario schools, from Alameda, Aiken, May Roberts, Ontario Middle and High Schools.