OSSB Residential Department

Our Mission & Goals


Student Support Services for The Ohio State School for the Blind advocate for and empower students by meeting their physical, social, and emotional needs as well as providing access to communication in a continuously improving environment.


  1. Implement a strong communications plan

  2. Provide high-quality professional health care for our students

  3. Increase student progress toward independent living

  4. Ensure safe and secure facilities

The Student Support Services strategic plan aligns with Each Child, Our Future (Ohio's strategic plan for education which extends through 2024). This plan strives to ensure that the time students spend in school is supportive and nurturing, and fosters success, whether students seek employment or continue their education after high school.

Student Resources

Meet Our Administrators!

Daniel Custer

Director of After School Programming and Student Resources

Office: (614) 558-2888

Cell: (614) 728-1420


Taylor Crokie
2nd Shift Youth Leader Supervisor

Cell: (614) 6792848


Nikki O'Bryan
3rd Shift Youth Leader Supervisor

Cell: (614) 778-4088


The Ohio State School for the Blind Residential Program provides students with a supportive learning environment in which they are encouraged to learn new skills and participate in a variety of extracurricular and recreational activities. Living in the setting that we provide allows students to develop the skills they will need to successfully meet post-secondary challenges.