This is a comprehensive list of programs that offer ASL in Ohio for students in High School. Some community colleges also allow high school students to take classes, such as Columbus State Community College.

Disclaimer: I cannot give you recommendations or tell you the quality or reputation of any program listed below (with the exception of Gallaudet University, my alma mater). If you find a program you are interested in, you are responsible to do your own research on the quality of instruction and of the program as a whole.

List of Free ASL Practice/Training Online

Their links don't seem to work, but you can use the website names as clues to do a Google search.


K-12 Online- Ohio

UPDATED 2/17/17:

  • Jefferson County Educational Services Center (JCESC) Virtual Learning Academy
    • Currently offers 1 course "Introduction to ASL" via ProgressBook​ Virtual Classroom.
    • Director indicated that there is no live video conferencing, but there is live chat.
    • Contact Info: Teresa Silverstri, Director of Education & Outreach
  • The Virtual High School​
    • Offers 2 levels of ASL 1 and 2 levels of ASL 2.
    • Representative indicated that ASL was offered. Format is similar as OSD's ASL Online program.​ Can accommodate up to 25 students per course period, and can do periods with individual schools.
    • Current course catalog does not mention ASL, although the representative said they offer it.
    • http://www.thevhs.org/
    • Link to their Foreign Languages section http://thevhscollaborative.org/?q=additional-foreign-language-courses