For Parents

Questions on Grading?... Expectations?...Consequences?...Attendance?...

All your answers are only one click away in the below syllabus.

If you are looking for something specific, some highlights are below.


“If you are well enough to come to school, you are well enough to dress and participate to the best of your ability that day in physical education”

  • May be excused ONE day with a parent note – it will be treated as an excused absence
  • Excused if you have a written note from a certified Doctor, Physical Therapist, or Athletic Trainer.
  • Note must specify: date, condition, time of removal from activity, and specific activities you can and cannot do.
  • Medical Excuse for over one week = alternate assignment/activities.


Purpose of Changing: Changing clothes for Physical Education may seem like a daunting task, however, the sole purpose of changing is to prevent poor personal hygiene in students. Both foul odor and bacteria growth are negative results of poor personal hygiene; we aim to prevent this!

All students are recommended to change into P.E. clothes [a gray t-shirt, any color athletic pants/shorts that meet the school dress code, athletic shoes, and socks] each day in order to make their PE experience safe, productive, and enjoyable. Tennis shoes are required! And…they must be tied for safety!

**Crocs, boots, sandals, and slip on shoes are not appropriate physical education attire.

Participation and being prepared for class are expectations for learners in physical education.


All students will also need a combination lock for their P.E. locker. Master Locks can be purchased from the school for $5. Students should bring this lock to their first day of PE.