Lab Members

Principal Investigator

Dr. Kaitlin Fogg 

Assistant Professor


Oregon State University

Graduate Students

Inés earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering at Universidad San Francisco de Quito- Ecuador. Her research is focused leveraging her chemical engineering background towards the development of in vitro tissue engineered platforms of cervical and endometrial cancer.

Conor earned his M.S. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan. His research is focused on leveraging his chemical engineering background towards the development of hydrogel beads to immobilize bacteria for waste water remediation. 

Sam earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering at Lehigh University. Her research is focused leveraging her chemical engineering background towards automated fabrication and long-term storage solutions for tissue engineered platforms. 

Noah Wiggin

Noah is an e-campus student pursuing his M.S. in Computer Science. He develops software for lab research with a focus on applications of computer vision and machine learning for biological image analysis.

Undergraduate Students



Alyssa is a fourth year pursuing her H.B.S. in Bioengineering. Her research is focused on validating 3D hydrogel in vitro models of cervical cancer. She is interested in cell and gene therapy manufacturing, drug delivery research, and biopharmaceutical process engineering. 



Molly is a third year undergraduate bioengineering major with a minor in chemistry and business. She was born and raised in Oregon. She is interested in tissue engineering, drug delivery, and possibly in the future protein and genetic engineering.