Media Center

River Park library

We are open every day  from 7:15-2:30 PM. 

Students visit the Media Center with their class about twice a month, but they are always welcome to visit with teacher permission at any part of the day to return and check out books. 

Book Checkout policy

All students K-5 may check out up to two books at a time. Books are due after two weeks, but can be renewed. Families are not charged for overdue books, but we do expect books to be paid for if not returned. A check can be made out to River Park Elementary School to replace lost or damaged books. We appreciate your support in helping to keep our students accountable and to ensure that our collection is maintained!

Tech Policies

Families are expected to pay for any chargers that have been lost or damaged. The cost of a charger is $38.00 and checks can be made out to River Park Elementary School. 

Parent Volunteers 

Please sign up to volunteer in the library by Volunteer Tracker

5th Grade Helpers

If you are 5th grader interested in being a library helper, please fill out this 5th Grade Helpers form *coming soon*