Why Biology?

This lab-oriented science course investigates the diversity of life-forms in depth while revealing their relationships and fundamental unity in form and function. In this class, you will explore the interaction of life and the planet to gain a clearer understanding of the self-sustaining nature of life on Earth and examine how primitive life evolved into the diversity of living organisms today. You will learn about your biological blueprint, DNA, and how manipulation of genetic material can change an organism's traits. You will also explore the fundamental unit of life - the cell - and the biochemical reactions that sustain life. Finally, you will examine how living organisms adapt to changing environmental conditions  with an emphasis on human physiology.

This course will continue the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards along with Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts. Additionally this course will support Common Core. Be prepared to change the way you prepare, participate and review for this class! What worked before might not work now. You will be asked to describe and use, rather than define. You will be asked to design, analyze, justify, and evaluate instead of memorizing!

2023-2024 Class Syllabus

01. Honors Biology Syllabus 2023-2024

2023-2024 Unit Calendars

Our unit calendars give a daily breakdown of all classwork and homework assignments with their due dates.  Digital copies of most assignments are directly linked within the calendar. Other assignments, including the slides from our class notes, are available via Google Classroom. Don't forget that class lecture slides are accessed via the Peardeck links!

01. H Bio Unit 5 Calendar: Heredity (2023-2024)
01. H Bio Unit 4 Calendar: Biological Evolution (2023-2024)
01. H Bio Unit 3 Calendar: Energy for Life (2023-2024)
01. H Bio Unit 2 Calendar: The Conditions for Life (2023-2024)
01. H Bio Unit 1 Calendar: Principles of Ecology (2023-2024)

Back to School Night Presentation

01. Michelin B2SN Presentation: H & CP Biology

Using Google Classroom

We will be using Google Classroom as our learning management system. Google Classroom allows students, teachers, and parents to access a singular, easy-to-use system for student assignments, progress monitoring, and collaboration.  All assignments, resources, and official class communications will be posted on Google Classroom. Students will receive the class code to join our course on Google Classroom on the first day of school. 

Need to Contact Me?

I firmly believe that education is a team effort between students, teachers, and their families. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time! The best way for students and families to reach me is to send me an email at amichelin@opusd.org. Additionally, students may send me a message via Remind.