SR Study Advice

The summer reading test is fairly basic and the questions are concrete — Who is this person? What did they do? What are they known for?

Remember, the story is important. Don't just look up a description of the character.  Find out what happened to them and what other characters were involved. Consider the overall theme of their story. 

Analysis isn't necessary at this point — we will do that, together, in class.

The fastest way to get the information is to just read the portion of the text concerning the listed character/place/object. Google the name if you can't find it in an index. Then, read the story and take brief notes. Don't be afraid to use an online encyclopedia as a starting place, but remember, the best and often fastest/shortest way to get the info is to read the original text (e.g. the Bible and Edith Hamilton's mythology).

Sample Notes

Bible example:  

Solomon — the babies (Story of Solomon begins 1 Kings 2 in the old testament)

Mythology example: 


If you want more concrete help for the Bible, here is a list of books and chapters that contain the stories listed in the study guide. It might be helpful to read them directly from the text.

Old Testament:  (books and specific chapters)

New Testament:  Book and specific chapters
