Advancing Ag Forms

The Advancing Ag-Ed Form is now available.  This money can be requested once per biennium (July 2023-June 2025), the deadline to apply for the current biennium is MARCH 15, 2025.  


1. You must complete the electronic NQPS Survey and Growth plan found on before applying.  ( Growth Plans must  reflect what you are budgeting funds for.)

2.  You must complete a the Advancing Ag Ed Budget Page (You will need to download and save this form).  This must include NQPS Standard Numbers (NQPS) along with a description of the items and a total.  Your budget total must match or exceed the amount of money you are eligible for. Budgets missing signatures or with incorrect totals will be returned. 

3.  Complete the Advancing Ag Ed Google Form


1. Submit the Advancing Ag Ed Budget page (You will need to download and save this form). This must include NQPS Standard Numbers along with a description of the items and a total.  Your budget total must match or exceed the amount of money you are eligible for. Budgets missing signatures or with incorrect totals will be returned. 

2. An outline of the courses being offered and how they complete a Montana Career Pathway. 

3. Brief description of goals for the current biennium. 

(#2 and # 3 can be combined in a word document and loaded into the application in lieu of the NQPS Growth Plan)

4. Complete the Advancing Ag Ed Google Form