

55. Laschuk N.O, Ebralidze I.I., Zenkina O.V. "Polypyridine-Based Architectures for Smart Electrochromic and Energy Storage Materials" Canadian J. Chem. 2023, 101, 400–417.  Link

54. Fruehwald H.M., Zenkina O.V., Easton E.B. "Carbon-Nitrogen-Metal Material as a High Performing Oxygen Evolution Catalyst." Catalyst Sci. Technology, 2022, 12, 3102 - 3105. Link

53. Ahmad R., Di Palo V., Bell M., Zenkina O.V. , Easton E.B. "Surface-Enhanced Counter Electrode Materials for the Fabrication of Ultradurable Electrochromic Devices." ACS Appl Energy Mater, 2022, 5, 3905 – 3914. Link

52. Fruehwald H.M., Melino P.D., MacLean B.J., Zenkina O.V., Easton E.B. "Carbon Materials Functionalized by Nitrogenous Ligands for Dual Application in Energy Storage and Production: Fuel Cells and Supercapacitors." Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 414, 140209. Link

51. Fruehwald H.M., Zenkina O.V., Easton E.B. "A New Spin on Electrochemistry in the Undergraduate Lab." Chem. Teacher International, 2022, 4, 23 - 37. Open access. Link

50. Mugo S.M., Alberkant J., Bernstein N., Zenkina O.V. "Flexible electrochemical aptasensor for cortisol detection in human sweat.” Anal. Methods. 2021, 13, 4169-4173. Analytical Methods HOT Articles 2021 Link

49. Fruehwald H.M., Melino P.D., Zenkina O.V., Easton E.B. "Hybrid Supercapacitor Electrode Materials via Molecular Imprinting of Nitrogenous Ligands and Iron Complexes into Carbon Support." J. Electrochem. Soc., 2021, 168, 120527. Open access. Link

48. Laschuk N.O., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Reducing the Resistance for the Use of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis in Materials Chemistry." RSC Advances, 2021, 11, 27925-27936. Open access. Link

47. Laschuk N.O., Ebralidze I.I., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Post-Synthetic Color Tuning of the Ultraeffective and Highly Stable Surface-Confined Electrochromic Monolayer: Shades of Green for Camouflage Materials." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 39573-39583. Link

46. Laschuk N.O., Ebralidze I.I., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Osmium- and Cobalt-Terpyridine-Based Electrochromic Devices for “Smart” Signage Application: The Effect of Lighting on Color Perception." Adv. Electronic Materials, 2021, 7, 2100460. Journal Frontispiece.   Link

45. Ahmad R., Laschuk N.O., Ebralidze I.I., Zenkina O.V., Easton E.B. "Probing the influence of counter electrode structure on electrochromic device operating potentials and performance using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy." ChemElectroChem, 2021, 8, 2193 - 2204. Cover Feature. Link

44. Ebralidze I.I., ZenkinaO.V. Dynamic electrochromic play via “mix-and-match” reversible metal-ligand interactions. Chem. 2021, 7, 1146–1155 Link

43. Fruehwald H.M., Moghaddam R.B., Melino P.D., Ebralidze I.I., Zenkina O.V., Easton E.B. "Ni on Graphene Oxide: A Highly Active and Stable Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Catalyst." Catal. Sci. Technol. 2021, 11, 4026–4033. Front Cover. Link

42. Laschuk N.O., Ebralidze I.I., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Systematic Design of Electrochromic Energy Storage Devices Based on Metal-Organic Monolayer." ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2021, 4, 4, 3469–3479. Back Cover . Link

41. Laschuk N.O., Ahmad R., Ebralidze, I.I., Poisson, J., Gaspari F., Easton, E.B., Zenkina, O.V. "Multiple electrochemically accessible colour states in surface-confined metal-organic monolayers: Stepwise embedding individual metal centres." Mater. Adv. 2021, 2, 953-962. Back Cover . Link

40. Fruehwald H.M., Ebralidze I.I, Zenkina O. V, Easton E. B. "Effect of transition metal on the oxygen reduction reaction activity of novel M-N3/C active site." ChemElectroChem. 2021, 8, 53– 61, Front Cover. Cover profile . Link

39. Laschuk N.O., Ahmad R., Ebralidze I.I., Poisson J., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Multichromic monolayer terpyridine-based electrochromic materials." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2020, 12, 37, 41749-41757. Link

38. Fruehwald H.M., Ebralidze I.I, Melino P., Zenkina O.V., Easton E.B. "Probing the influence of the carbon support on the activity of Fe-N3/C model active sites for the oxygen reduction reaction." J. Electrochem. Soc. 2020, 167, 084520. Link

37. Fruehwald H.M, Moghaddam R.B., Zenkina O.V, Easton E.B. "High-performance water oxidation catalysts based on the spontaneous deposition of ruthenium on electrochemically exfoliated graphene oxide." Catal. Sci. Technol., 2019, 9, 6547-6551. Front Cover . Link

36. Esfahani R.A.M, Fruehwald H.M, Laschuk N.O., Sullivan M.T., Egan J.G., Ebralidze I.I., Zenkina O.V, Easton E.B. "A highly durable N-enriched titanium nanotube suboxide fuel cell catalyst support." Appl. Catalysis B: Environ. 2020, 263, 118272. Link

35. Laschuk N.O., Obua A., Ebralidze I.I., Fruehwald H.M, Poisson J., Egan J.G., Naumkin F.Y., Gaspari F., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Spacer Conjugation and Surface Support Effects in Monolayer Electrochromic Materials." ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2019, 1, 1705-1717. Link

34. Fruehwald H.M, Zenkina O.V. Easton E.B. "Effect of Carbon Support on Fe-N3/C Model Active Site for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction." ECS Transactions. 2019, 92 (8), 523-532. Link

33. Egan J., Hynes A.J., Fruehwald H.F., Ebralidze I.I., King S.D., Alipour Moghadam Esfahani R., Naumkin F.Y., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Novel Material for the Detection and Removal of Mercury (II) Based on 2,6-bis(2-thienyl)pyridine Receptor." J. Mater. Chem C. 2019, 7,10187. Inside Cover. Link

32. Fruehwald H., Esfahani R.A.M, Ebralidze I.I, Zenkina O.V. Easton, E.B. "Fe-N3/C active catalytic sites for the oxygen reduction reaction prepared with molecular level geometry control via covalent immobilization of iron-terpyridine motif onto carbon." ChemElectroChem 2019, 6, 1350-1358 Link .

31. Zhu C., Wu X., Zenkina O., Zamora M.T., Moffat K., Crudden C.M., Cunningham M.F. "Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization in Miniemulsion Using a TEGylated Ruthenium-Based Metathesis Catalyst." Macromol. 2018, 51 (22), 9088–9096. Link

30. Laschuk N.O., Ebralidze I.I., Poisson J., Egan J.G., Quaranta S., Allan J.T. S., Cusden H., Gaspari F., Naumkin F.Y., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Ligand Impact on Monolayer Electrochromic Material Properties." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (41), 35334–35343 Link

29. Egan J.G., Drossis N., Ebralidze I.I., Fruehwald H.M., Laschuk N.O., Poisson J., de Haan H.W., Zenkina O.V. "Hemoglobin-driven iron-directed assembly of gold nanoparticles." RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 15675–15686. Open access. Link

28. Poisson J., Geoffrey H.L., Ebralidze I.I., Laschuk N.O., Allan J.T.S., Deckert A., Easton E.B., Zenkina O.V. "Layer-by-Layer Assemblies of Coordinative Surface-Confined Electroactive Multilayers: Zigzag vs Orthogonal Molecular Wires with Linear vs Molecular Sponge Type of Growth." J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 3419–3427. Link

27. Allan J.T.S., Quaranta S, Ebralidze I.I., Egan J.G., Poisson J., Laschuk N.O., Gaspari F., Easton E.B., Zenkina O. V. "Terpyridine-based Monolayer Electrochromic Materials." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2017, 9, 40438−40445. Link

26. Man R.W.Y., Li C.-H., MacLean M.W.A., Zenkina O.V., Zamora M.T., Saunders L.N., Rousina-Webb A., Nambo M., Crudden C.M. "Ultra Stable Gold Nanoparticles Modified by Bidentate N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 1576-1579. Link

25. Crudden C.M., Horton J.H., Narouz M.R., Smith C.A., Li Z., Munro K., Baddeley C.J., Larrea C.R., Drevniok B., McLean A. B, Zenkina O.V., Ebralidze I. I., She Z., Kraatz H-B, Mosey N.J, Saunders L.N., Akiko Yagi A. "Simple, direct methods for formation of self-assembled N-heterocyclic carbene monolayers on gold and their application in bio-sensing." Nature Commun. 2016, 7, 12654. Link

24. Laschuk N.O., Ebralidze I. I., Spasyuk D., Zenkina O.V. "Multi-readout logic gate for selective metal ions detection in parts per billion levels." Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016, 22, 3530-3535. Link

23. Laschuk N.O., Ebralidze I.I., Quaranta S., Kerr S., Egan J.G., Gillis S., Gaspari F., Latini A., Zenkina O.V., "Rational design of a material for rapid colorimetric Fe2+ detection." Materials & Design 2016, 107, 18–25. Link

22. Zenkina O.V., Gidron O., Shimon, L.J.W., Iron M.A., van der Boom M.E. “Mechanistic Aspects of Aryl-Halide Oxidation Addition, Coordination Chemistry and Ring-Walking by Palladium”. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 45, 16113-16125. Link

21. Orbach M., Shankar S, Zenkina O.V., Milko P., Diskin-Posner Y., van der Boom. M.E. “Mechanistic Insight into the Formation of Bimetallic Palladium Complexes and the Fluxional Behavior of their Monometallic Precursors”. Organometallics 2015, 34, 1098-1106. Link

20. Keske E.C., Brandon D. Moore B.D., Zenkina O.V., Wang R., Schatte G., Crudden C.M. “Highly selective directed arylation reactions via back-to-back dehydrogenative C–H borylation/arylation reactions”. Chem Commun., 2014, 50, 9883-9886. Link

19. Crudden C.M., Horton J.H., Ebralidze I.I., Zenkina O.V., Keske E.C., Leake J.D., Rousina-Webb A., MacLean A., Drevniok B., Seki T., Wu G., Mosey N. J, She Z., Kraatz H.-B. “Ultra Stable Self-Assembled Monolayers of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes on Gold”. Nature Chem. 2014, 6, 409–414 Link Highlighted by Ritter S. in Chem. Eng. News, March 27, 2014, 92, 13, 7-8.

18. Zenkina O.V., Keske E.C., Gurpaul K.S., Wang R., Crudden C.M. “Heteroleptic Rhodium NHC Complexes with Pyridine-Derived Ligands: Synthetic Accessibility and Reactivity Towards Oxygen”. Dalton. Trans, 2013, 42, 2282-2293. Link

17. Keske E. C., Zenkina O. V., Asadi A., Sun H., Praetorius J.M., Allen D.P, Covelli D., Brian O.P., Wang R., Kennepohl P., James B.R., Crudden C.M. “Dioxygen Adducts of Rhodium N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes”. Dalton Trans 2013, 42, 7414-7423. Link

16. Orbah M., Zenkina O., Shimon L.J.W., Diskin-Posner Y., van der Boom M.E. “A Phosphine Accelerated ArF-Cloride Bond Activation Process by Palladium”. Organometallics 2013, 32, 3074-3082. Link

15. Cipot-Wechsler J., Covelli D., Praetorius J.M., Hearns N., Zenkina O.V., Keske, E.C., Wang, R., Kennepohl P., Crudden C. M. “ Synthesis and Characterization of Cationic Rhodium Peroxo Complexes”. Organometallics 2012, 31, 7306-7315 . Invited Cover article. Link

14. Keske E.C., Zenkina O.V., Wang R., Crudden C.M. “Synthesis and Structure of Palladium 1,2,3-Triazol-5-ylidene Mesoionic Carbene PEPPSI Complexes and Their Catalytic Applications in the Mizoroki–Heck Reaction”. Organometallics, 2012, 31, 6215–6221. Link

13. Keske E.C., Zenkina O.V., Wang R., Crudden C.M., “Synthesis and Structure of Silver and Rhodium 1,2,3-Triazol-5-ylidene Mesoionic Carbene Complexes”. Organometallics, 2012, 31, 456–461. Link

12. Zenkina O.V., Keske E.C., Wang R., Crudden C.M., “Dimeric Rhodium-Ethylene NHC Complexes as Reactive Intermediates for the Preparation Tetra-Heteroleptic NHC Complexes”. Organometallics 2011, 30, 6423-6432. Link

11. Orbach M., Choudhury J., Lahav M., Zenkina O.V., Diskin-Posner Y., Leitus G., Iron M.A., van der Boom M.E., “Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions with Fluorinated Substrates: Mechanistic Insights into the Undesired Hydrodehalogenation of Aryl Halides”. Organometallics 2011, 31, 1271-1274. Link Highlighted in Org. Process Res. Dev., March 6, Vol. 16, 2012, 366-375.

10. Zenkina O.V., Keske E.C., Wang R., Crudden C.M., “Double Single–Crystal-To–Single–Crystal Transformation and Small Molecule Activation in Rhodium NHC Complexes”. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 8100-8104. Link  paper and Back Cover article. Highlighted by Ritter S. in Chem. Eng. News, August 1, Vol. 89, 31, 2011, 37.

9. Zenkina, O.V., Karton, A., Shimon, L.J.W., Martin, J.M.L., van der Boom M.E. “A Coordination Controlled Aryl-Halide Oxidative Addition to Platinum”. Chem. Eur. J., 2009, 15, 10025-10028. Link Highlighted by Swager T. M. and Cox J. R. in Synfacts, 01, 2010, 0046. Link

8. Zenkina O.V., Konstantinovski L., Shimon L.J.W., Diskin-Posner Y., Iron M.A. and M.E. van der Boom, “Long-Range 'Through-Bond' Heteronuclear Communication in Platinum-Complexes”. Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 4021-4030. Link

7. Altman M., Zenkina O.V., Ichiki T., Iron M. A., Evmenenko G., Dutta P., van der Boom M.E. "Positive Constructs: Charges Localized on Surface-Confined Organometallic Oligomers”. Chem. Mater. 2009, 21, 4676-4684. Link

6. Zenkina O.V., Karton A., Freeman D., Shimon L.J.W., Martin J.M.L., van der Boom M.E. “Directing Aryl–I vs. Aryl–Br Bond Activation by Nickel via a Ring Walking Process”. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 5114-5121. Link

5. Altman M., Zenkina O.V., Evmenenko G., Dutta P., van der Boom M.E. “Molecular Assembly of a 3D-Ordered Multilayer”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 5040-5041. (Highlighted by JACS as a  Article). Link Highlighted by Ritter S. in Chem. Eng. News, April 21, 2008, 34, 50-51.

4. Zenkina O.V., Konsantinovski L., Freeman D., Shimon L.J.W., van der Boom M.E. “Fluxional Behavior of Platinum(0) Complexes: Intra- vs. Intermolecular reaction pathways”. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 3815-3822. Link

3. Zenkina O., Altman M., Leitus G., Shimon L.J.W., Cohen R., van der Boom M.E. ”From Azobenzene Coordination to Aryl-Halide Bond Activation by Platinum”. Organometallics 2007, 26, 4528-4534. Link

2. Cohen H., Zenkina O.V, Shukla A.D., van der Boom M.E. “Site Affinity Effects Upon Charge Injection into Siloxane-Based Monolayers”. J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 1506-1508. Link

1. Strawser D., Karton A., Zenkina O.V., Iron, M.A., Shimon, L.J.W., Martin, J.M.L., van der Boom M.E. “Platinum Stilbazoles: Ring-Walking Coupled with Aryl-Halide Bond Activation”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 9322-9323. See also Chem. Eng. News, September 19, 2005, 34-35. Link