Smart Materials 

Zenkina Research Group

 Follow your curiosity 

Zenkina group
The Zenkina Group
Zenkina publications

We are looking for creative and talented students to join us. New group members will be exposed to diverse and interdisciplinary research activities and will gain a theoretical and practical education in various areas, such as organic and organometallic chemistry, materials and surface science. 

Group News

Group Activities

October 29, 2024

Dr. Zenkina receives the prestigious Research Excellence Award – Mid-Career Researcher 2024. This award recognizes the research excellence achieved by Ontario Tech University Faculty members.

June 04, 2024

Our paper describing novel exceptionally durable asymmetric double-side electrochromic device architecture is now online! Link

March 27, 2024

Mariatou Tolo (left) and Kim thao Huynh (right) defended their Undergraduate Student Diploma Works.  Congratulations!

November 23, 2023

Congratulations to Nathalie Mapue and Marjan Saedi for winning two poster prizes at the 54th Inorganic Discussion Weekend! IDW Conference held at the University of Windsor November 17-19, 2023.  

Nathalie won Best Poster Prize sponsored by Canadian Journal of Chemistry.

Marjan won Honorable Mention Poster Presentation Prize sponsored by  The Royal Society of Chemistry, New Chemistry Journal, and Dalton Transactions.

August 8, 2023

Welcome to our MITACS-2023 summer interns (left to right) Yuqi  Zhou (China), Andres Hernandez (Mexico), and Yelyzaveta Antsybora (Ukraine). We thank MITACS for this internship opportunity that helps OntarioTechU to attract the best students from over the world and accelerate their talent development.

July 17, 2023

A new issue of Canadian J. Chem. in honour of Prof. Cathleen M. Crudden is now online. We are excited to dedicate our mini-review on smart electrochromic and energy storage materials to Cathy, an outstanding scientific leader and amazing person. 

Teaching Philosophy
Materials Characterization Facilities
IDW-2019 Materials