The Field Experience
Placement Process

The Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education reserves the right to assign and place Teacher Candidates in any Field Experience placement, regardless of the Teacher Candidate’s request of preferred location.

The Practicum Team makes all Field Experience arrangements with its partner school boards. Field Experience outside the partner boards will be considered on an individual basis.  

Teacher Candidates shall NOT arrange their own Field Experience assignments.

Teacher Candidates will be assigned to one Associate Teacher; occasionally, two or more Associate Teachers may co-host a Teacher Candidate. On rare occasions, there may be another Teacher Candidate in the same host classroom. If the Teacher Candidate experiences a change to their Field Experience at any point, they are to notify the Practicum Office. 

Changes in school enrollment, staffing, administration, and classroom assignment may occur. As a result, Field Experiences may change. The Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education asks Teacher Candidates for their patience and demonstration of professional etiquette regarding this process.

Factors Affecting Placement: 

Coordinating placements within a variety of boards is a complex process based on the following factors: